Anecdotes, parables, stories and reflections on values

List of stories

  1. Blame it on the cow
  2. Portrait of a persevering
  3. Setting high goals
  4. Assembly in carpentry
  5. One hundred days of the commoner
  6. Snowflakes
  7. The Apple tree
  8. The e-mail
  9. The trial
  10. The problem
  11. The TV
  12. The most important question
  13. Happiness is the road
  14. The deaf frog
  15. People who like me
  16. The Eagle that never was
  17. The goals
  18. Fortunes of the field
  19. The differences
  20. The Comet Halley
  21. So much to learn
  22. Assistance in the rain
  23. Remember those who serve
  24. The obstacles in our path
  25. Kill creativity
  26. Give and loss of life
  27. Method for narrow pride
  28. The collector of insults
  29. Two hawks
  30. Three bars
  31. The imperfect House
  32. The violin of Paganini
  33. Yours and mine
  34. The lame dog
  35. Tree problems
  36. Climb results
  37. The parable of the horse
  38. It pushes the vaquita
  39. Slinky gift
  40. We will see
  41. The three brothers
  42. Echo
  43. Planting future
  44. Burn the ships
  45. The empty cart
  46. The hidden happiness
  47. Perfect peace
  48. Imagine solutions
  49. My best friend
  50. Mrs. Thompson
  51. Any similar
  52. The best gift
  53. The vanilla ice cream
  54. The scars of the nails
  55. The soldier friend
  56. The renewal of the Eagle
  57. Look at the obstacles
  58. The circle of hate
  59. Footprints in the heart
  60. Submissive elephant
  61. Amor.exe
  62. Arming the world
  63. The perfection of God
  64. We are all eagles
  65. The rump of a Roman horse
  66. I learned and I decided to
  67. The puppet
  68. Lost Butterfly
  69. Who needs me?
  70. The little worm
  71. Winners and losers
  72. Carrots, eggs and coffee
  73. Only over time
  74. The circle of ninety-nine
  75. Give to receive
  76. The weight of unforgiveness
  77. The message of the ring
  78. Pessimist and optimist
  79. Accounts of life
  80. What gives US the Japan
  81. Brief list
  82. How take better advantage of this reading
  83. Action contract

Blame it on the cow

This text, whose summary was originally published by Professor Fernando Cepeda in his regular column in Time, it is an excellent demonstration of conduct very our related to the branching of the guilt. It was promoting the export of leather to United States Colombian goods, and a researcher of the firm Monitor decided to interview the representatives of two thousand stores in Colombia. The conclusion of the survey was decisive: the prices of such products are high, and very low quality.
The researcher then turned to the manufacturers to ask them about this conclusion. I received this response: it is not our fault; the tanneries have a tariff rate of fifteen percent protection to prevent the entry of Argentine leather.
Then it asked the owners of the tanneries, and they answered: it is not our fault; the problem lies in slaughterhouses, because they get bad quality leathers. As the sale of meat brings them more profits with less effort, leathers matter very little.
The investigator, armed with all his patience, then went to a slaughterhouse. There it was said: it is not our fault; the problem is that farmers spend very little on poisons against ticks and also mark everywhere to the cattle to prevent is them stolen, practices that destroy leathers.
Finally, the researcher decided to visit farmers. They also said: it is not our fault; those stupid cows rub against the barbed wire to relieve stings.

The conclusion of the foreign consultant was very simple: Colombian leather handbags producers cannot compete in the market of the United States because their cows are stupid!
* Michael Fairbanks, "Cultural Matters: How Values Shape Human Progress", Lawrence E. Harrison and Samuel P. Huntington (eds.), Changing the Mind of a Nation. Elements in a Process for Creating Prosperity. New York, Basic Books, 2000, pp. 268-281 personal contribution of Fernando Cepeda Ulloa.

Portrait of a persevering

History says that this man failed in business and fell into bankruptcy in 1831. He was defeated for the legislature of 1832. His fiancée died in 1835. He suffered a nervous breakdown in 1836. He was defeated in the election of 1836, and in the parliamentary elections of 1843, 1846, 1848 and 1855. Did not have success in their quest for the Vice Presidency in 1856 and in 1858 was defeated in the elections for the Senate. This stubborn man was Abraham Lincoln elected President of United States in 1860.

The lesson is simple: it only fails when you stop trying to.

Setting high goals

A teacher wanted to teach a special lesson to his students, and this gave them the opportunity to choose between three exams: one of fifty questions, one of forty and one thirty. The thirty put to those who chose a "C", no matter that they had correctly answered all questions. Put those who chose the of forty "B", even though more than half of the answers were wrong. And to those who chose that of fifty called them an "A", although they had been wrong in almost todas.Como students did not understand anything, the teacher explained to them: Dear students: Let me tell you that I was not considering their expertise, but their willingness to sign up .

When we aim high, we are closer to our dreams than if we are satisfied with small goals.
Maythem jumps Haon, Club Rotarac Guayaquil West, district 4400 contribution. Ecuador, 8 September 2000.

Assembly in carpentry

There was woodworking in a strange house; Tools met to work out their differences. The hammer was the first to exercise the Presidency, but the Assembly notified that he should resign. Does cause it? It made too much noise, and spent the time hitting. Hammer acknowledged their guilt, but asked that the screw was expelled: had to give many turns to serve something.
Screw accepted his retirement, but at the same time called for the expulsion of the sandpaper: it was very rough in their dealings and always had friction with others.
The sandpaper agreed, on the condition that was expelled the metro, as it was measured to others, as if the were perfect.
That Carpenter entered, put on the apron and began his work, using alternately hammer, grit, the metro and the screw.
In the end, the piece of wood had become a cute piece of furniture.
When woodworking was single again, the Assembly resumed deliberation. He said the saw:
Gentlemen, it has been proven that we have defects, but Carpenter works with our qualities. That is what makes us valuable. So not already think of our weaknesses, and focus on our strengths.
The Assembly found that cock was strong, screw connected and gave strength, grit limaba roughness and the meter was accurate and precise. They were like a team capable of producing beautiful furniture, and their differences went into the background.

When a crew from work often find defects in others, the situation becomes tense and negative. On the other hand, in dealing with sincerity of perceiving the strong points of others, bloom the best achievements . It is easy to find fault - any fool can do it-, but find qualities is a task for the higher spirits that are capable of inspiring the success of others.

One hundred days of the commoner

A beautiful Princess was looking Consort. Nobles and rich suitors came from everywhere with wonderful gifts: jewelry, land, armies and Thrones... Among the candidates was a young commoner who had more wealth than the love and perseverance. When the time to speak came, he said:-Princess, you have loved life. As I am a poor man and I have no treasure to give you, I offer my sacrifice as proof of love. I'll be a hundred days sitting under your window, no more food than rain and no more clothes that carry sunsets. This will be my dowry.
The Princess, moved by this gesture of love, decided to accept:
-You will have your chance: If you pass that test, I desposarás.
Thus they spent hours and days. Suitor remained outside of the Palace, enduring the Sun, winds, snow, and freezing nights. Without batting an eyelid, with the eyes fixed on the balcony of his beloved, the brave minion continued to firm in their efforts falter momentarily.
Occasionally the actual window curtain would show through the slender figure of the Princess, who with a noble gesture and a smile passed the task. Everything was going swimmingly, became betting and some optimists began planning the festivities.
Arriving the ninety-nine day, the settlers of the area came to animate to the next monarch. Everything was joy and revelry, but when an hour was missing to meet the deadline, before the astonished gaze of the assistants and the perplexity of the Princess, the young man stood up and without giving any explanation, slowly walked away from the place where it had been one hundred days.
A few weeks later, while wandering along a lonely road, a child of the region reached it and asked him point blank:
-What you did? You were a step to achieve the goal, why you lost that opportunity? Why you withheldest?.
With deep dismay and tears badly disguised, the commoner answered in a low voice:
-The Princess not saved me a day of suffering, not even an hour. Did not deserve my love.

When we are willing to give the best of ourselves as proof of affection or loyalty, even at the risk of losing our dignity, we deserve at least one word of encouragement or understanding. People have to become worthy of the love that is offered.
Walter Riso, love or depend on? Contribution of Ricardo Cruz Gomez, Tampico, Mexico.


Two birds were perched on a branch during a snowfall, and began to talk:-tell me, what weight a snowflake? -tit bird asked the wild Dove.
-Almost anything - was the answer.
-In this case, before I go let me tell you a wonderful story - replied the charcoal. At the beginning of this winter I posed on the branches of a fir tree. It wasn't a hard winter, and having no other thing to do, I started to count the snowflakes that were settled in the twigs and leaves of my stem. Their exact number was 3.741.952. When the last snowflake was deposited over the branch, without that nothing happened, this broke - he said the bird, and flying away.
The Dove was reflecting on that story awhile and finally said:
-Perhaps only needed the voice of one person more to bring peace to the world.

This narration of Joseph Jarowski helps us to reflect on the fact that the leader is made up of a range of values and behaviors that build up and integrated into all so-called leadership towards the service.
The story is also suitable to designate that everyone can, in one way or another, build gradually and simultaneously a leadership for peace. All snowflakes add: social projects, forums about coexistence, the already no more, various actions to promote tolerance and the disarmament of the spirits, the workshops of solidarity, civic actions, NGOs in the struggle for human rights...
In this new perspective, synchronize the yearnings with the means and actions for peace is to create a synergy of undeniable impact on the life of the country.
Joseph Jarowski, synchronicity. The inner path of leadership. Barcelona, Paidós-Plural, 1999.

The Apple tree

This was a huge Apple tree to which a child loved very much. Every day playing to her around, he climbed to the top, ate fruit and took a NAP under his shadow. The tree also loved him very much. Time passed, the child grew up and did not return to play around the tree. One day he returned and heard that this said with sadness:
-Do you come play with me?
But the boy replied:
-I am no longer the child before playing around the trees. Now I want to have toys, and I need money to buy them.
-I'm sorry - he said the tree-. I don't have money, but I suggest you to take all my apples and bands; so you can buy your toys.
The boy took the apples, obtained money and felt happy. Also the tree was happy, but the boy did not return. Some time later, when he returned, the tree asked him:
-Do you come play with me?
-I don't have time to play; I work for my family and I need a House for my wife and children. Can you help me?
Sorry - said the tree. I have a House, but you can't cut my branches and build your House.
The man cut all the branches of the tree, which felt happy, and did not return. True a warm summer day, returned. The tree was delighted.
-Do you come play with me? -asked.
-I feel sad, I am getting old. I want a boat to sail and rest, can you give me it?
The tree answered:
-Use my trunk to build one; so you can surf and be happy.
The man cut the trunk, built his boat and went to browse for a long time. He returned after many years and the tree said:
-I'm sorry, but I no longer have nothing to give you, not even apples.
The man replied:
-I don't have teeth to bite force or to scale, I'm old.
Then the tree, crying, said:
-Actually I can't give you anything. The only thing I have are my dead roots.
And the man answered:
-Do not need much now, just a place to rest. I'm tired after so many years...
-Good - he said the tree, the old roots of a tree are the best place to sit and relax. Come, sit with me and rest.
The man sat next to the tree and this, cheerful and smiling, dropped some tears.

This is the story of each one of us: the tree are our parents. Of children, we love them and play with them. When we grow up we left them alone; we returned to them when we need them, or when we are in trouble. No matter what, they are always there to give us everything they can and make us happy. You may think that the boy is cruel to the tree but not is how we sometimes treat our parents ?.
Contribution of Andrés Bernal, Lima. However, Christian Franco (reader of this site) says that this story was written by Shel Silverstein and published on 7 October, 1964 under the name of "The Giving Tree."

The e-mail

A man loses his job. After looking for several months, he learns that Microsoftneed to sweepers. Industrial relations manager asks you your data, observed him sweeping, congratulates him and tells him: the post is yours. Give me your e-mail, to let know you the day and time that must be presented. The man, disconsolate, answers that do not have e-mail, and the industrial relations manager tells him that he regretted so much but that if you don't have e-mail, virtually does not exist, and that, as there is no, you can not give the work.
Man get desperate, doesn't know what to do, and only have $250 in his pocket. He then decides to go to the market's supply of fruits and vegetables and buy a crate of tomatoes of 10 kg. It will house home selling a kilo of tomatoes for $5. In less than two hours you have doubled your money; Repeat the other three times, dinner at a small restaurant and returns home with $150.
He realizes that that way he can survive, and every day comes early and returns later. So it doubles, triples and even quadruples the money in a single day. With a little luck he manages to buy a van, which a year later changes by a truck; at age three, he has a small fleet of transport.
After five years, the good man is owner of one of the principal distributors of food in the country. It then receives an insurance agent, and at the end of the conversation, this asks the employer to give your email address to send you the policy. The man replied that he does not have e-mail, and the actor says:
-If you do not have e-mail and came to build this empire, I don't want to imagine what would be if I had you.
And the good man replica:
-It would be Microsoft Sweeper.

Moral 1. Internet does not solve the life.
2 moral. If you work on your own and you're lucky, you can be a millionaire.
3 moral. If you want to be a sweeper from Microsoft, it is better to have e-mail.
Corollary. If you get this message by e-mail, it is likely that you are closer to be Microsoft that billionaire Sweeper.

The trial

An old legend that the age mean a very virtuous man was unjustly accused of murder. The culprit was a very influential person of the Kingdom, and so from the first moment we sought to find a scapegoat to conceal it. The man was brought to trial and understood that it would have little opportunity to escape the gallows. The judge, although he was also conniving, cared keep all appearances of a trial fair. So he told the defendant:
Knowing your fame of righteous man, I will leave your fate in the hands of God: I will write the words 'guilty' and 'innocent' in two separate roles. You choose, and will be Providence, which decides your fate.
Of course, the perverse official had prepared two papers with the same legend: guilty. The victim, even without knowing the details, realized that the system was a trap. When the judge ordered him to take one of the roles, the man took a deep breath and remained silent a few seconds with his eyes closed. When the room was already beginning to grow impatient, opened his eyes and, with a smile, took one of the roles, he put it to his mouth and engulfed it quickly. Surprised and outraged, the present reproached him.
- But, what did? How can now Devils we know the verdict?
-It is very simple - replied the man. Is a question of reading the paper that remains, and will know what he said to me he swallowed.
With Mumbles and a badly-disguised anger, they should release the defendant, and never returned to molest him.

More difficult is to present us with a situation, never stop search output, nor of the fighting until the last moment. In times of crisis, only the imagination is more important than knowledge.
Albert Einstein

The problem

A great teacher and a guardian shared administration of a zen monastery. Some day the guardian died, and had to be replaced. Grandmaster brought together all his disciples to choose who would have that honor. I will introduce a problem - he said-. He solved it first will be the new guardian of the temple. It brought to the center of the room a bench, put on a big, beautiful porcelain flower vase with a beautiful red rose and said: This is the problem. The disciples were perplexed what they saw: rare and sophisticated designs of porcelain, the freshness and elegance of the flower... what accounted for that? What do? What was the enigma? All were paralyzed. After a few minutes, a student stood up, looked at the master and the other disciples, he walked toward the Cup with determination and threw him to the ground.
"You are the new guardian - told him the Grandmaster, and explained-: I was unclear, I told them that they were in front of a problem." No matter how beautiful and fascinating, the problems have to be solved. It may be a very rare porcelain jar, a beautiful love that no longer makes sense, a road which must abandon but insist on tour because it brings comfort. There is only one way to deal with problems: attack them head-on. In those moments we cannot you have pity, neither let us tempt fascinating side that any conflict carries".

The problems have a weird effect on most of us: we like to look at them, analyze them, turn them, comment on them... Happens frequently that we compare our problems with the others and say: "your problem is not anything... wait for to tell you mine!"
It had been called "paralysis by analysis" to this process of contemplation and inaction. And the solution?

The TV

While he prayed before going to bed, a child asked with devotion: "Lord, tonight I ask something special: becoming a TV." I would like to take his place. I would like to live what live TV in my house. I.e., have a room for me and bring together all the members of the family to my around.
"Be taken seriously when I speak. Becoming the center of attention and be the one to which everyone wants to listen without interrupting it or question it. I would like to feel the special care that receive TV when something doesn't work.
"And have the company of my dad when he comes home, even if you are tired of the work. And that my Mom find me when you are lonely and boring, instead of ignoring me. And my brothers fight for being with me.
And that you can divert them all, although sometimes do not tell them anything. I would like to experience the feeling that it will stop everything to spend a few moments with me.
"Lord, do not ask much. Only live who lives any TV"."

The most important question

On one occasion, during my second semester in the school of nursing, the teacher made us a surprise test. I quickly read all questions, until you reach the last one: "dois the name of the woman who cleans the school?" Surely it was a joke. I had seen many times to the woman who was cleaning the school. She was tall, with dark hair, about 50 years, but toHow would know his name? I gave the test without answering the last question.
Before the end of the class, someone asked the teacher if that question would count for the qualification. "Definitely - I replied. Careers you will meet many people. They are all important. "They deserve your attention and care, even if you just smile at them and say: Hello!"
I never forgot that lesson, and I knew then that her name was Dorothy. We are all important.

This is a crash of relationships at work course. By the way, already had the same question?
* Contribution of Sebastián Núñez and Lucía Posada, version of Tché Souto. The subject has been mentioned by Gonzalo Gallo in a management course.

Happiness is the road

We convince ourselves that life will be better after reaching age 18, after we get married, after getting a better job, after having a child, after having another... Then we are frustrated because our children are not old enough, and we think that we will feel happy when they are so. Then we regret because they are teenagers, difficult to treat; We will certainly feel happier when they come out of that stage.
We say that our life will be complete when our (a) husband (a) go you better, when we have a better car or a better House, when we go on vacation, when we are retired.
The truth is that there is no better time than this to be happy. If not now, when?
One of our favorites is Alfred de Souza:
For a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin, the life of truth. But there was always an obstacle in the way, something to solve first, something unfinished, time per pass, a debt to pay; then life would begin. Until I realized that these obstacles were my life.
This perspective has helped us see that there is no way to happiness: happiness is the way. We must cherish every moment, much more when we shared it with someone special, and remember that time does not wait for no one.
Do not wait until you finish school, back to school, to lose ten pounds, to have children, until the children go to school, get married, until they divorce, until Friday night, until Sunday morning, until the spring, summer, autumn or winter, or until I die, to learn that there is no better time than this to be happy. Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

It works as if you don't need money, love like you never been hurt and dance as if no one were watching you.

The deaf frog

A group of frogs traveling through the forest, when suddenly two of them fell into a deep well. The others gathered around the hole and, when they saw the depth that was told falls that, for practical purposes, they should be dead. However, they were trying to leave pit with all his strength. The others were told that those efforts would be useless. Finally, one of the frogs responded to what the others said, was beaten and died. The other continued jumping hard as he could. The crowd shouted you that it was useless but the frog was jumping, each time with more force, until finally he came out of the pit. The others asked him: "doyou not hear what I said?" The frog explained to them that he was deaf, and believed that the others were encouraging her from the edge to strive more and more out of the hole.

The word has the power of life and death. A voice of encouragement to someone who feels discouraged can help you at end of the day, while a negative word can eventually destroy it. Anyone can say words that others steal the spirit that allows them to continue the fight in the middle of hard times. We have to be careful with what we say, but above all what we hear.
* Anonymous contribution, via the Internet.

People who like me

First of all I like the people who vibrate, must not push it, which there is to be told to do things, who knows what to do and does it in less time than expected. I like people with ability to measure consequences of their actions. Which leaves no random solutions.
Me gusta la gente strict with their people and with itself, that does not lose sight that we are human and can make mistakes.
I like people who think that teamwork, among friends, produces more than the chaotic individual efforts.
I like people who know the importance of joy.
People like me sincere and candid, capable with calm and reasoned arguments to oppose the decisions of his boss.
I like the people of criterion. Which do not swallow whole. Which not ashamed to admit that you don't know something or that it was wrong. And that, to accept their mistakes, strives to genuinely not to commit them again.
I like people able to criticize me constructively and front: they call them my friends.
People like me faithful and persistent that not falters when it comes to achieve goals and ideals.
I like the people of claw, which understands the obstacles as a challenge.
I like the people who works for results.
With people like this I am committed to whatever, so do not receive any economic payment.
You have had these people on my side, I realize as rewarded.
* Revista Fıkralarıduvadinleev, of the company Enka de Colombia S.A. Medellín, February 1996.

The Eagle that never was

An Indian warrior found an Eagle egg on top of a mountain, and put it together with the eggs they were going to be empollados by a hen. When the time came, chicks came out of the shell, and the eaglet also. After a while, he learned to clucky to dig the Earth, to find worms and upload to branches trees, exactly like all the hens lower. His life was spent in the consciousness that was a chicken. One day, already old, Eagle was facing up and had a magnificent view. A majestic bird flying in the sky open as if not you need to make the slightest effort. Impressed, he turned to the next hen and asked:
-What bird is that?
The chicken looked up and replied:
-Ah! It is the Golden Eagle, Queen of heaven. But don't think about it: you and I are here below.
The Eagle not looked up ever more and ever died in the consciousness that was a chicken, so I had been treated.

What if you try to discover your inner Eagle?
* Contribution of Daniel Molina, Rotolatinos, November 11, 2001.

The goals

No one reaches the goal with one shot, perfect life with a single correction or reaches height with a single flight. Nobody walks the life without having walked many times false. Nobody collects vintage try many flavors, burying many seeds and pay lot of land. Nobody looks the life without cow often gets into the boat without fear of the storm or reach port without rowing many times.
Nobody feels the love without tasting her tears, or collect roses without feeling their spines. Nobody does works without hammering on your building, or cultivated friendship without sacrificing himself. No one comes to the other side without having made bridges to pass. No one leaves the lustrous soul without daily life Polish.
No one can judge without first knowing its own weakness. No one gets his ideal without have thought many times that pursuing an impossible. No one knows the opportunity until it passes by his side and let it go. Nobody found the well of pleasure to walk by the thirst of the desert.
But nobody stops arriving, when the clarity of a gift, the growth of the will, the abundance of life, the power to perform and impulse itself have. No one no longer burn with fire inside without knowing what is the warmth of friendship. Nobody stops when really he intends it.
If you take everything you have and trust in you, do your best, because you're going to get!
* Anonymous contribution, via the Internet.

Fortunes of the field

Once a wealthy parent took her son to a trip to the countryside with the aim that it saw how poor were certain people and understand the value of things and how lucky they were. They were a day and a night at the farm of a very humble peasant family. At the end of the trip, already back at home, he asked his son:-do you think of the trip?
-Very nice, Dad!
-Did you see how poor and needy people can be?
- And what you learned?
-I saw that we have a dog at home, they have four. We have a twenty five metre pool, they a stream without end. We have imported in the patio lamps, they have the stars. Our patio reaches the wall House, theirs to the horizon. Especially, Dad, I saw that they have time to chat and live together in family. You and my mom must work all the time and hardly ever see them.
The father stayed silent and the child added:
-Thanks, Dad, for showing me the rich that we could be.
* Contribution of Lourdes Subero, Codetel, of 18 October 2000.

The differences

The primary wishes of everyone are progressing and be happy; many people think that wealth is an effective way of achieving those aspirations. As well as there are poor and rich people, there are countries with the same characteristics. The difference between the two is not in the time during which have been inhabited; This is demonstrated by cases such as the one from India and Egypt, which hosted great civilizations for thousands of years and today are poor. In Australia and New Zealand, change that makes little more than hundred and fifty years were almost unknown and uninhabited territories, are now developed and rich countries.
The difference between poor and rich countries is not in the natural resources available. Japan, for example, has a very small territory, of which eighty percent is mountainous, not suitable for agriculture or livestock; However, it is a global economic power which, as an immense floating factory, receives raw materials and exports them, transformed, a good part of the planet, gaining this wealth. Switzerland has no Ocean, but has one of the world's largest shipping fleets; It has no cocoa, but it produces the best chocolate; in its few square kilometers is it pastor and cultivated only four months a year, since in all weather conditions are not favorable, but it produces the best dairy in Europe. Like Japan, a country without natural resources exported goods and services of excellent quality, Switzerland is a small country whose image of safety, order and working has made it safe in the world.
Nor the intelligence of people makes a difference, as evidenced by many students from poor countries who migrate to wealthy countries, achieving excellent results. Another example are the executives of rich countries who visit the factories in poor countries, and to talk to them, we realize that there is no intellectual difference.
Finally, neither the race makes a difference: we have mind that Central European or Nordic countries, the so-called "BA South" prove to be a productive force; not so in their own countries, where you never knew to undergo the basic rules that make great a nation. What makes the difference, then, is the attitude of the people.
By studying the behavior of individuals in rich countries is discovered that most of the population follows these rules, no matter the order in which we discuss:
  • Morality as a basic principle.
  • The order and cleanliness.
  • Honesty.
  • Punctuality.
  • The responsibility.
  • The desire to overcome.
  • The rule of law and regulations.
  • Respect the right of others.
  • The love for the work.
  • The desire for savings and investment.
¿Do we need more laws? No, it would be sufficient to meet and enforce these simple rules. In our Latin American countries, and the rest of the poor countries, only a fraction of the population follows them in their daily lives. We are not poor because we lack natural resources or because nature was cruel with us: we simply lack the character to meet these basic social performance and basic premises.
* Contribution of Victor Manuel Uribe, 24 August 2000.

The Comet Halley

In this text, which is already well known, are the effects of the memoranda (and need to know to write). Memorandum
From: Director-general
A: Manager
Next Friday, around five in the afternoon, will be shown the Halley Comet in this area. It is an event which occurs every 78 years. Please, meet all the workers in the factory courtyard, with safety helmets, that there will explain them the phenomenon. If it is raining we can not see this rare spectacle eye discovered; in this case, everyone should be addressed to the dining room, where a documentary about the comet will be displayed.
From: Manager
A: human resources director
By order of the director-general, on Friday at five in the afternoon will be shown on the factory, if it rains, the Comet Halley. Meet the staff with safety helmet and bring it to the dining room, where a rare phenomenon that happens every 78 years to naked eye will take place.
From: Human resources manager
A: Chief of staff
At the request of CEO Halley scientist, 78 years old, it will appear nude in the dining room of the factory on Friday at five in the afternoon using a safety helmet, because it will be presenting a documentary on the problem of the rain, and the director will make a demonstration in the courtyard of the company.
From: Chief of staff
A: Chief on duty
Friday at 5 o'clock in the afternoon the director, for the first time in 78 years, will appear in the dining room to sign the documentary "Naked Halley", next to the famous scientist and his team. All must be with safety helmet because the documentary will seek security in conditions of rain.
From: Manager on duty
A: head of brigades
All, without exception, must be naked with the security agents in the courtyard of the same factory, this Friday at five in the afternoon. The director will come accompanied by Halley, a very famous artist, and his group, which will show the documentary "dancing in the rain". When it rains really, should go to the dining room with safety helmets. This occurs every 78 years.
Staff: Friday CEO is 78 years old. For this reason it will be free to everyone, without exception, for the party that will take place in the dining room at five in the afternoon with the Group Halley & his comets. All must go naked and wear condoms of security, because it will rain and is going to be tremendous party in the courtyard of the factory.
* Contribution of Adriana Gavina and Rose Mary Restrepo Velez, 11 October 2000.

So much to learn

I learned that most of the things that worry about never happen. I learned that every achievement once was considered impossible.
I learned that nothing of value is obtained without effort.
I learned that the expectation is often better than the event itself.
I learned that even when I have pain, I need not be a nuisance.
I learned that you should never go to sleep without resolving a pending discussion.
I learned that we must not look back except to learn.
I learned that when someone says that it is early and not money, usually it's money.
I have learned that we must fight for the things in which we believe.
I learned that people are as happy as they decide to be it.
I learned that the best and fastest way to appreciate other people is to try to do their job.
I learned that the days can be long, but life is short.
I learned that if your life is free of failures, it is because you have not risky enough.
I learned that it is good to be satisfied with what we have, but never with what we are.
I learned that we can win a penny in a dishonest way, but this later cost us a fortune.
I learned that I must earn money before spending it.
I learned that we should appreciate our children for what they are and not what we want to be.
I learned that hatred is like acid: destroys the vessel that contains it.
I learned that planning a revenge only allows people who we wounded to do so any longer.
I learned that people are hurry to achieve a "good life" that often life passes at his side and do not.
I learned to look to the future; that still there are many good books to read, sunsets that see, friends visiting, people who love and old dogs who stroll.
I learned that I still have much to learn.
* Contribution of Ida Bianchi and Vicente López, Rotolatinos, Argentina.

Assistance in the rain

One night, at 11:30 p.m., an older African American woman stood at the edge of a highway in Alabama under a strong storm. His car had broken down and desperately needed someone to take her. Soaked, he decided to make him sign to the next car that passed. Despite being a time of acute racial conflicts, a young white man stopped to help her, took her to a safe place and put her in a taxi. Lady, who seemed quite accurate, noted the direction of the young, thanked him and left. Seven days later, they knocked on the door of the House of the young. To his surprise, was a package to its name: a TV screen with a note saying:
Thank you very much for helping me on the highway the other night. The rain flooded not only my clothes, but my spirit. Then appeared to you. Thank you, I could get next to the bed of my husband dying, right before her death. God bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving others.
"Sincerely, the Lady's Nat King Cole"

Do not expect anything in return and receive it.
* Contribution of Sebastián Núñez and Lucía Posada, version of Tché Souto.

Remember those who serve

In the days when an ice cream cost much less, a 10-year-old boy entered a settlement and sat at a table. The waitress put a glass of water opposite him. - how much is an ice cream with chocolate and peanut butter? -asked the child.
-Fifty cents - replied the woman.
The child took the hand of pocket and examined the coins.
-How much is a single ice cream? -He asked again. Some people expected table and the waitress was already a little impatient.
-Twenty-five cents - said sharply.
The child returned to the coin counting.
-I want ice cream only - he said.
The waitress brought the ice cream, put the Bill on the table and withdrew. The child finished the ice cream, paid in the box and went out. When the waitress returned to clean the table, it cost him to swallow hard to see that there, neatly next to the platter empty, there were twenty-five cents: your tip.

Never judge someone before you know why.
* Contribution of Sebastián Núñez and Lucía Posada, version of Tché Souto.

The obstacles in our path

A King put a big rock in the middle of the road, blocking the passage. Then hid to see if someone removed it. The wealthiest merchants of the Kingdom and some courtiers who went simply surrounded the rock. Many blamed the King not to keep the roads clear, but none did something to remove the obstacle.
Then came a peasant carrying a load of vegetables. He left her on the floor and tried to move the rock to the side of the road. After pushing and much fatigued, he succeeded. While collecting his load, found a wallet on the floor, just where had been the rock. It contained many gold coins and a note from the King indicating that this was the reward for who cleared the road.
The peasant learned what others never understood.

Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve the condition itself. If you ever fall, get up and go ahead!
* Contribution of Sebastián Núñez and Lucía Posada, version of Tché Souto.

Kill creativity

Creativity, mother of innovation, is a low quality that relies on the right lobe of the brain, where are the intuition, the art and inspiration. However, creatives have to fight permanently with the pragmatists, the "logical", those who have experience. These are some of the phrases which are heard when the creative fire their spark.
  • "Don't dream".
  • "Or dream you".
  • "We don't have time."
  • "The cost is very high."
  • "It is not his problem."
  • "It's too much work."
  • "Oh no, this idea again, no!"
  • "The argument is valid, but..."
  • "Good idea, but it is not feasible".
  • "Let fly by clouds and low to the ground".
  • "The management will have problems with this."
  • "For the moment, let's stop this idea of side."
  • "They are used to something else."
  • "Where did this idea?"
  • "It would require a very big effort."
  • "So far it has gone we well without that."
  • "We've always made it so".
  • "Is it ahead of its time".
  • "Not it was budgeted".
  • "It's too radical."
  • "Stay in place".
  • "Will they laugh at us".
  • "Do not move the pot".
  • "They won't accept it."
  • "It has not become ever".
  • "It won't work."
  • "Again the young!"
  • "It is not profitable."

Give and loss of life

Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at a hospital in Stanford, I met a little girl named Liz who was suffering from a rare disease. Its only chance to recover was a blood transfusion for his 5-year-old brother, who had survived the same disease and had developed the antibodies needed to combat the. The doctor explained the situation to the brother of the girl, and asked him if he would be willing to give his blood. I saw him hesitate for a moment before taking a big sigh and say: "Yes, I will do so if that saves Liz".
While the transfusion was done, he was lying on a bed beside her sister, very smiling, while we assisted them and saw return color to the cheeks of the child. Suddenly the small became pale and his smile disappeared. He looked at the doctor and asked with a trembling voice: "at what time will begin to die?"
Had not understood the doctor: I thought that it would have to give all of his blood to his sister. And yet he had accepted.

It gives all those you love. Love like you've never done. Do not despise the friendship of your friends. Live each day with faith, love and peace.
* Contribution of Sebastián Núñez and Lucía Posada, version of Tché Souto.

Method for narrow pride

Pride is a particular disability that usually affect rulers, executives and officials, but also porters, leaders of trade unions, public employees and almost all the poor mortals who are hit with a low share of power. Here is an Council not to fall into the temptation of pride: go to a rural area along the route that you like most, get naked and wait for that dark. Then cross wiring - with care not to lose any of the attributes of power - and walk until you feel that it is in the midst of the most absolute solitude. Once there, lift your head to the sky and see the stars. At that moment, seen from space, you must be something like a Microbe on a soccer ball.
Think that it stands on a tiny planet which revolves around the Sun and that the Sun is only a star among the millions of stars that are watching and that make up our galaxy. Remember, also, that ours is one of millions of galaxies that makes million years rotating in space.
Once you have done this, put arms in jar on the waist, in defiance, or adopt any other stance that seems adequate to express their immense power, and swelling of the neck veins, shout with all the voice to be able to join at that time: "I am truly powerful!"
Then, wait for the result. If you see that some stars are shaken and flashing, no problem: it is God who sometimes can not endure the laughter.

Have you noticed that pride and envy are two of the most frequent defects of human? This reading only puts us at the forefront of the universe. Do you want to compare with all human? Humility is one of the best qualities of great men.

The collector of insults

In the days running is suitable to cede space to this Buddhist allegory that transcribes Paulo Coelho and that will think many. Close to Tokyo lived a great samuray, now elderly, who was devoted to teaching zen Buddhism to young people. Despite his age, he ran the legend that was capable of defeating any adversary. One day a warrior known for his total lack of scruples went through the old House. He was famous for using the technique of provocation: he hoped that the adversary made its first move and, thanks to their intelligence privileged to catch bugs, counterattacked with fulminant speed. The young and impatient Warrior had never lost a battle. Knowing the reputation of the old samuray, he was there to defeat him and further increase his fame.
Students of zen who were present were against the idea, but the old man accepted the challenge. Then they all went on the town square, where the young man began to provoke the old. He threw some stones in their direction, spat in the face, and yelled all the insults known, offending even to their ancestors. For several hours he did everything possible out of boxes, but the old remained impassive. At the end of the evening, already exhausted and humiliated, the young warrior withdrew from the square.
Disappointed by the fact that his teacher should accept as many insults and provocations, the students asked him:
-How has been able to bear so much indignity? Why he didn't use his sword, even knowing that it could lose the fight, instead of showing it as a coward before all of us?
The old samuray answered:
-If someone is approaching you with a gift and not accept it, who owns the gift?
-Of course, who tried to deliver it – replied one of the disciples.
-Because the same voucher for envy, rage and insults - added the master. When they are not accepted, continue to belong to who carried them with him.

No one aggresses us or makes us feel bad: we are the ones who decide how we feel. Do not blame anyone for our feelings: we are solely responsible for them. That is what is called assertiveness.

Two hawks

A King was presented with two Falcon chicks and handed them over to the master of falconry that he trained them. After a few months, the instructor reported you that one of the hawks was perfectly polite, but did not know what happened to the other: had not moved the branch from the day of their arrival to Palace, and even had to bring the food up there. The king commanded to call healers and healers of all kinds, but nobody could do to fly the bird. Then ordered the mission members of the Court, but nothing happened; out the window of their rooms, the monarch saw the bird continued still. He finally published one side between his subjects asking for help, and the next morning saw the Falcon fly smoothly through the gardens.
-Bring me the author of this miracle - he said.
Then they presented to a farmer.
-Did you fly the Hawk? How what you did? Are you a magician, perhaps?
Between happy and intimidated, the man explained:-was not difficult, H.h.: just cut the branch. The bird realized that had wings and was launched to fly.

Thus we are human beings. We are tied to the past and the present because no we have realised that we have the power to fly and find our true destiny.
Some have the privilege that some event break the habit, of the Security Branch. Only then realize that are superior to the circumstances.
On many occasions we have everything and do not manage to live fully; Perhaps it is necessary that someone cut the branch so we can risk the flight. Sometimes unexpected things and that in principle they seem negative are true blessings.
* Contribution of Arturo Duenas, November 24, 2001.

Three bars

The young disciple of a Sage philosopher came to this House and said:-master, a friend of his was talking about you with malevolence.
-Wait! -the philosopher interrupted him-. Doyou already did go through three bars what are you going to tell me?
-Three grilles?
-Yes. The first is the gate of truth. Are you sure that what you say is absolutely true?
-No; I heard him tell a few neighbors.
-Then at least you've made it through the second gate, which is goodness. What you want to tell me, is good for anyone?
-No, actually not. On the contrary...
-Go! The last gate is the need. Is it necessary to let me know that you so worried?
-To tell the truth, no.
-Then said the wise man smiling, if it is not true, nor good, nor necessary, to bury it into oblivion.

How many bad times could avoid if we sometiéramos everything we say to these three bars...
* Contribution of Achilles Orduña, 9 November 2001.

The imperfect House

A master of construction already entered in years was ready to retire to enjoy his retirement pension. He told his boss about their plans to leave the job to take a more pleasant life with his wife and his family. I was going to miss his monthly salary, but I needed to retire; already they addressed them is somehow. The boss realized that it was inevitable that his good employee left the company and asked him, as a personal favor, to make the last effort: build one House more. The man agreed and started its work, but saw clearly that it was not putting the heart in what he was doing. Using lower quality materials, and his work, which is the same as the one of his assistants, was poor. It was an unfortunate way to put an end to his career.
When the bricklayer completed the work, the Chief went to inspect the House and extended him the keys to the front door. "This is your House, dear friend - said-. It is a gift for you".
Bricklayer had known he was building his own House, surely it would have made it totally different. Now you should have to live in the imperfect House which had been built!

We build our lives in a way distracted, reacting when we should act, and without putting in this performance the best of us. Many times, we even do our best at work. Then suddenly we see the situation that we have created and discovered that we are living in the House we have built. If we had known it earlier, we would have made it different. The conclusion is that we must think as if we were building our House. Every day we really a nail, got up a wall or build a roof. Build with wisdom is the only rule that we can strengthen our existence. Even if we live only for a day, that day deserves to be lived with grace and dignity. Life is like a project of doing so - DoItYourself. His life, now, is the result of your attitudes and choices of the past. Your life tomorrow will be the result of your attitudes and choices of today!
* Contribution by Daniel Molina, on November 1, 2001.

The violin of Paganini

There was a great violinist called Paganini. Some said that it was a strange person. Others, which had in it something supernatural. The magical notes that came from his violin had a different sound, and why no one wanted to miss the opportunity to see him play. One night, the stage was filled with fans ready to receive it. The Orchestra entered and was applauded. The director entered and received a standing ovation. But when the figure of Paganini emerged, triumphant, the audience raved. The violinist put the instrument on the shoulder, and what followed was indescribable: black and white, fusas and quarter, eighth notes and sixteenth notes seemed to have wings and fly to the touch of those happy to fingers.
Suddenly, a strange sound interrupted the reverie of the audience: one of the strings of the violin of Paganini had broken. The director quit. The Orchestra went silent. The public was on hold. But Paganini did not stop. Looking at the score, continued extracting his atrophied violin sounds delicious. The director and Orchestra, admired, returned to play.
When the public is reassured, suddenly another disturbing sound attracted her attention. Another string of the violin is broken. The director and the Orchestra stopped again, but Paganini continued as if nothing had happened. Impressed, the musicians returned to play.
But the public could not imagine what was going to happen next. All attendees, amazed, shouted a "oohhh!" that echoed around the room: another violin rope had broken. The director and the Orchestra stopped. Public breathing ceased. But Paganini continued: as a musical contortionist, pulled all the possible sounds only rope that had destroyed violin. The director, rapt, encouraged, and the Orchestra returned to play with greater enthusiasm. The public went from silence to euphoria, the inertia to delirium.
Paganini reached the glory, and his name ran over time. It was not just a great violinist, but the symbol of the professional that continues forward even before the impossible.

When everything seems to be, give us a chance and go ahead; we awaken to the Paganini that exists within us. Celebrity is the art of continue where others resolved to stop.
* Contribution by Daniel Molina, 9 August 2001.

Yours and mine

When Lady arrived at the station, they informed him that his train would be delayed about an hour. A little wearily, bought a magazine, a packet of biscuits and a bottle of water. You searched for a bank in the central platform and sat down, ready and waiting. While you ojeaba magazine, a young man sat down beside her and began to read a newspaper. Suddenly, without saying a single word, he stretched his hand, took the package of cookies, opened it and began to eat. The lady was upset. He didn't want to be rude but do either account that nothing had happened. So, with a gesture exaggerated, he took the package, took a biscuit and ate it staring at the young.
In response, young took another cookie and staring at the Lady in the eyes, took her to the mouth. Already angry, she grabbed another cookie, and with visible signs of annoyance, ate it staring at him.
The dialogue of glances and smiles continued between cookie and biscuit. She was becoming more irritated, and ever smiling boy. Finally, she realized that there was only one cookie, and thought: "May not be so cheeky," while alternately looked to the young and to the package. With much calm young lengthened the hand, took the biscuit and broke it in two. With a friendly gesture, it offered half his partner's Bank.
-Thanks! -She taking with rudeness piece of cookie said.
-Of no - replied the young man smiling, while eating his half.
Then the train announced his departure. Lady Rose furious Bank and boarded his wagon. From the window, he saw the boy still sat on the platform and thought: "what insolent and poorly educated! What will happen to our world!" Suddenly he felt the dry mouth by disgust. He opened his bag to remove the water bottle and was stunned when he found there his package of cookie intact.

How many times our prejudices and hasty decisions make us wrongly valuing others and committing serious mistakes. Often mistrust, already installed in us makes that we Let's arbitrarily to people and situations, encasing them in preconceived ideas away from reality.
Usually worry by events that are not real and us rack with problems that perhaps never will happen.
An old proverb says:
Fighting, judging before time and altering it fails never enough; but being fair, giving and watching others with a simple share in serenity, gets more than expected.
* Contribution by Maribel Zupel, September 3, 2001.

The lame dog

A shop owner was putting on the door a sign saying: "Puppies for sale". As that kind of ads always attracts children, suddenly appeared a little and asked:-what is the price of the puppies?
The owner answered:-between thirty and fifty dollars. The little boy put his hand to his pocket and pulled out a few coins.
-I have only $2.37. Can I see them?
The man smiled and whistled. The back left a dog followed by five dogs, one of which was left behind. Toddler immediately pointed to lagging pupfish.
-What happens to that dog? -He asked.
The man explained that the animal had defective hip and limp for the rest of his life. Child is much thrilled and exclaimed:
-That is the dog I want to buy! And the man replied:
-No, you won't buy that puppy. If you really want it, I gift you.
Toddler is displeased, and looking at the man in the eyes, said:
-No, I don't want you to give me. I think that is worth so much as other dogs, and pay you the full price. In fact, I'm going to give my $2.37 now and fifty cents each month, until you have paid everything.
The man answered:
-Son, really don't want to buy this little dog. You will never be able to run, jump and play like the others.
The little boy reached down and lifted his pants to show his left leg, twisted and out of use, supported by a large metal device. He looked again at the man and said to him:
-Well, I I can't run very well either, and the puppy will need someone who understands it.
The man bit the lip and, with tear-filled eyes, said:
-Son, I hope that each one of these puppies have an owner like you.

In life no matter who we are, but rather someone to appreciate us for who we are, we accept and love us unconditionally.
* Contribution of Carlos Biscay, September 3, 2001.

Tree problems

The Carpenter who had been hired to help me to repair an old farmhouse had just finished his first day of work. Your electric mower had damaged, making him lose an hour of work, and his old truck refused to start. While carrying it to his house, he remained in silence. When we arrived, he invited me to meet his family. While we were heading to the door, he stopped briefly in front of a small tree and touched the tips of the branches with both hands.
When the door opened, was a surprising transformation. His tanned face was full of smiles. He hugged his two small children and gave his wife a kiss enthusiast.
Back I accompanied to the truck. When we passed near the tree, I was curious and asked him about what he had seen him do a while before.
This is my problem tree - answered -. I know that I can't have problems at work, but one thing is certain: the problems do not belong to the House, my wife, or my children. So just hang them on the tree every night when I come home, and in the morning, pick them up again. The fun - said smiling - is that when I go to pick them up, there are not as many as those who remember hanging up the night before"."
* Daniel Molina's contribution.

Climb results

John worked in a company for two years. It was very serious, dedicated and conscientious of their obligations. It arrived timely and was proud that they never received a reprimand. One day, approached the Manager to make a claim:-Sir, work in the company two years ago with enough care and I am comfortable with my position, but I feel that I have been shelved. Look, Fernando joined an equal to my post only six months ago and it has already been promoted to supervisor.
-AHA! -replied the Manager. And showing some concern said-: while we resolve this I would like to ask you to help me with a problem. I want to give fruit to the table for lunch today. Please, find out if the store front have fresh fruits.
Juan out to comply with the order and five minutes was back.
-Well, what averiguaste?
-Lord, have oranges for sale.
- And how much cost?
-Ah! I didn't ask.
-Well. Did you see if they had enough oranges for the staff?
-Either I asked that.
-Are there any fruit that can replace the Orange?
-Not it, Sir, but I think that...
-Well, sit a moment.
The Manager picked up the phone and called Fernando. When he arose, he gave the same instructions that John, and in ten minutes it was back. The Manager asked him:
-Well, Fernando, what news I bring?
[-Lord, have oranges, sufficient to meet all the person], and if you prefer, have bananas, papayas, melons and mangoes. The Orange is 150 pesos per kilo; banana, to 220 pesos hand; the handle to 90 pesos per kilo; the papaya and melon, to 280 pesos per kilo. Say me that if the purchase is for quantities, they will give us a discount of ten percent. I left the oranges separate, but if you choose other fruit I must go back to confirm the order.
-Thank you, Fernando. Wait a minute. Then turned to John, who still there:
-John, what I say?
-Nothing, Lord... that's all. With your permission.

Today we call for empowerment. I.e. that bosses give subordinates the possibility to make decisions and take responsibility for them. But are employees assuming this function proactively and self-motivated?
The potential is in people. It is they who should develop it and make it known of others through concrete facts.
* Contribution of Hector Daniel Gonzalez, on June 21, 2001.

The parable of the horse

A farmer who faced many difficulties had some horses that helped him in his small farm works. One day, his foreman brought the news that one of the best horses had fallen into an old abandoned well. It was very deep, and it would be extremely difficult to remove it from there. The peasant went quickly to the scene of the accident and assessed the situation, realizing that the animal had not hurt. However, the difficulty and the cost of the rescue, he concluded that it was not worth, and asked foreman to sacrifice the horse to pull Earth into the pit to bury him. And so it was.
To him fell the earth over, the animal shook it. This is gradually accumulated in the bottom of the well, allowing you to upload. The men realized that horse wouldn't bury but that, on the contrary, it was rising, up to that it finally managed to escape from the pit.

If you are "down", feeling little valued, and if the others you land of incomprehension, selfishness or lack of support, remember the horse of this story. Do not accept the land pulled on you, shake it and rise above it. Much more land to release him, most can climb.
* Contribution of Hector Daniel Gonzalez, on June 4, 2001.

It pushes the vaquita

A master Sage walked through the forest with his faithful disciple, when he saw in the distance a site of poor appearance, and decided to make a short visit. During the walk told the apprentice on the importance of knowing people and places, and learning opportunities that provide us these experiences. The House was made of wood and its inhabitants, a couple and their three children, dressed in soiled and torn clothes, and were barefoot. The master parent approached the Lord, apparently, and said to him:
-In this place there are no possibilities for work or trade points, how do you and your family to survive?
The man replied calmly:-my friend, we have a vaquita which gives us several litres of milk every day. Part of milk sell it or Exchange it for other foods in the neighbouring city, and with the remaining produce cheese, curd and other products for our consumption. This is how we are going to survive.
Sage welcomed the information and watched the place for a moment, before saying goodbye and split. Midway, he ordered his faithful disciple:
-Search the vaquita, take it to the brink and push it!
The young man looked at him scared and replied that this animal was the means of subsistence of the family. As he noticed the absolute silence of the teacher, fulfilled the order: it pushed the vaquita to the ravine, and watched her die. That scene was engraved in his memory.
One day, the disciple decided to abandon what had been learned and return to that place to tell the truth to the family and ask for forgiveness. So he did, and as it approached I saw everything very nice, different from as remembered him. He felt sad, imagining that that humble family had due to sell its land to survive. It accelerated the passage and, upon arrival, he was greeted by a very nice gentleman, whom he asked about the people who lived there four years ago. The man replied that there were.
Overwhelmed, the young man came running into the House and confirmed that it was the same family who had visited some years earlier with the teacher. He praised the place and asked the Lord, the owner of the vaquita:
-How did to improve this place and change his life?
Excited, the man replied:
-We had a vaquita which fell over the cliff and died. From then on we saw the need to do other things and develop other skills that we didn't know that we had; Thus we reach the success that your eyes see now.

This is the reality of what has been called comfort zone. We are so satisfied with the State of things surrounding us that we don't develop possibilities. We just need a surprising event to realize that security can be our worst counselor and that prevents us from seeing the horizon.

Slinky gift

A boy was born with a disease that had no cure. At age 17, he could die at any time. He had always remained at home, in the care of his mother, but was fed up and decided to leave only for a time. He visited many stores and passing by one music, saw a gorgeous girl of the same age. It was love at first sight. He opened the door and entered without looking at anything that she wasn't. Approaching little by little, came to the counter where the girl, who looked at him and said to him, it was with a smile:-I can help you in something?
He thought that it was the most beautiful smile he had seen in his life. He felt desire to kiss her at that moment. Tartamudeando, you said:
-Yes, eeehhh, uuuhhh... I would like to buy a disc - and without thinking about it, took the first that saw and gave him the money.
-Would you like it to wrap you? -asked the young man, smiling again.
He nodded and she went to the office, to return with the wrapped package. He took it and left.
Since then, every day he visited the store and bought a disc. The girl always surrounded him, and he will take it and kept it in her closet. It was very shy to invite her to go out and even if it was, it could not. Her mom realized and gave him encouragement, so the next day he armed courage and went to the store. He bought a disc and, as always, she went to wrap it. He took the package and, while the young girl looked at him not, he left his phone number on the counter and it ran.
The next day, it rang the home phone, and MOM answered. It was the girl store, asking for his son. The Lady began to cry and said:
-Do not know? He died yesterday.
There was a silence long, broken only by sobs from the mother. Days later, lady came into his son's room.
When you open the closet, he stumbled upon piles of boxes in wrapping paper. As this caused her curiosity, took one of the packages and sat on the bed to open it. To do so, a small piece of paper came out of the plastic box. It was a note that read: 'Hello! You are very handsome. Will you go out with me? You want to, Sofia".
With emotion, the mother opened another package, and another, and another, and in doing so found many notes; all said the same thing with different words.

Así es la vida: don't expect too much to tell that special someone that feels. Say it today: tomorrow may be too late.

We will see

My friend has a farm. As he loves to do things the old, does not have any mechanical equipment and used a horse to plough his field. One day, while he was ploughing, horse collapsed, dead. In the village all sympathized at my friend. - Oh, what terrible that could have happened it that! -They said.
He limited himself to answer:
-We will see.
It was quiet and peaceful, and we both admired your attitude that we were in agreement and we'll give you a horse. Then the general reaction was to exclaim:
-What luck man!
And he said:
-We will see.
A few days later the horse, which was still unaware of the farm, jumped a fence and escaped, and everyone exclaimed:
-Oh, poor man!
-We will see - he said again.
And it repeated a week later, when the horse came back followed by a dozen of foals no tame.
The next day, her son went on horseback, fell, and broke the leg.
-Poor boy! -all the people sympathized.
And my friend said:
-We will see.
A few days later he came to the people the army, to recruit young people in age of military service, but his son left him because he had a broken leg.
-Go guy with luck! -commented the neighbors.
Ymi-friend said:
-We will see.

We also have to learn to step back, take away and say: 'We will see'. Instead of judging what happens to us in life and say what is good and what is bad, fair or unfair, we must recognize that in itself nothing is good or bad, and that anything can help us back into harmony with the plan of the universe.
* Bernie S. Siegel, love, peace, and self-healing. Barcelona, Uranus, 1990, p. 230.

The three brothers

Three brothers are afoot all morning in the forest to cut wood. Every day they took turns so that one of them will stay in the cabin and prepare the food. One day, while the older brother was alone in the cabin, appeared a dwarf and asked if he could eat the remains of breakfast. The boy said yes and the dwarf began to eat. Suddenly he dropped the pan and asked the young man to collect it. When it is tilted, the dwarf struck him with a stick on the head.
The next morning, the second brother stayed only in the cabin, and the dwarf again. Asked if he could eat the remains of breakfast and dropped the bread. He asked the boy to lift it and, when it reached down, beat him with a stick.
Younger brother remained in the cabin the next day. The dwarf asked him if he could eat the remains of breakfast, and the young man replied: "Si, on the table there is bread." Serve you"." When the dwarf plopped down bread and asked the young man to collect it, he replied: "If not you can get them with your own bread, do not survive. Pick it up you"." The dwarf thanked him and asked him if he would like to know where to find the Princess and the treasure.

Let us give others responsibility for its own problems, so they can learn to take care of your bread and themselves.
Dr. Siegel is one of the most renowned speakers from the United States. His job as oncologist has led him to teach their patients and families to each should be responsible for itself: of his body, of his illness, healing - physically - and healing - spiritually.
* Tale attributed to the poet Robert vile. Cited in Siegel, op. op. cit., p. 241.


A father and his son were walking in the mountains. Suddenly, the son fell, hurting, and cried out:-Aaaaaayyyy!
To his surprise, he heard a voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain:
Curiously, the child shouted:
-Who's there?
And received this response:
-Who's there?
Angry, he shouted:
And he heard:
The child looked at the father and asked him:
-What's wrong, Dad?
The man, smiling, said:
-My son, pay attention - and shouted to the mountain-: I admire you!
And the voice answered:
-I admire you!
Again, the man shouted:
-You are a champion!
And the voice answered:
-You are a champion!
The child was amazed, but not understand anything. The father then explained:
-The people call it eco, but in reality is life. It returns you everything you say or do.

Our life is simply a reflection of our actions. If you want more love in the world, create more love to her around. If you long for happiness, give happiness to those who surround him. If you want a smile in the soul, give a smile to the soul of the people who know. This applies to all aspects of life. She gives back exactly what you have given. Our life is not a coincidence, but a reflection of ourselves.

Planting future

An oasis tucked away in the most distant landscapes of the desert, was on his knees the old Eliahu, on the side of some inflatable palms. His neighbor Hakim, the wealthy merchant, stopped at the oasis to water his camels and saw Eliahu sweating, while it seemed to dig in the sand. - what such, old man? Peace be with you.
- And with you - it said Eliahu without leaving your task.
-What are you doing here, with this temperature, working with that shovel?
-I sow - replied the old man.
-What planting here, Elijah?
-Dates - replied the old pointing the palmar.
-Dates! He repeated the newcomer, and closed his eyes as listener greater stupidity. The heat has damaged you brain, dear friend. See, leaves that task and we go to the store to a drink.
-No, I finish planting. Then, if you want, we will drink.
-Tell me, friend, how many years do you have?
-Don't know: sixty, seventy, eighty, I don't know... I've forgotten it. But that, what does it matter?
-Look, friend, the datileras takes more than fifty years to grow, and only then are able to bear fruit. I'm not wishing you evil and you know, I wish I live up to 100 years, but you know that hardly reach you harvest something that today sowings. Leave that and come with me.
-Hakim, I ate dates that other planted, one that neither dreamed to try them. I sow today so that others can eat dates tomorrow. And if only in honor of that unknown, is worthwhile to complete my task.
-I have given a great lesson, Eliyahu; allow me to pay you this teaching - said Hakim, putting in the old hand a leather bag filled with coins.
-I thank you. As you can see, this happens sometimes: you I predicted that it would not reap what they sow. It seemed true and, however, regards: still no end of sow and already harvested a bag of coins and the gratitude of a friend.
-Your wisdom amazes me, old man. This is the second great lesson I give today, and is perhaps more important than the first. Let me, therefore, to also pay this lesson with a bag of coins.
- And sometimes goes this - followed the elderly, extending his hand to look at two bags-: sow to reap not, and before you finish planting already harvested not only one, but two times.
-Enough is enough, old, not you keep talking about. If you are still teaching me things not it will reach me all my fortune to pay you.

We expect immediate results, we want everything now. We say that we are not immersed in the consumer society, but we curse the few seconds that this message takes to reach, or those who delay the traffic lights change color.
* Jorge Bucay, stories for thinking.

Burn the ships

Around 335 BC, arriving at the coast of Phoenicia, Alexander the great had to deal one of their biggest battles. Upon landing, he understood that the enemy soldiers exceeded three times the size of his great army. His men were frightened and did not find motivation to face the struggle: they had lost faith and they were defeated. The fear was over with those invincible warriors. When Alejandro had landed its troops on the coast enemy, gave the order that all ships were burned. While ships were consumed in flames and they sink in the sea, he gathered his men and said to them:
Notice how the boats are burned. This is the only reason why we must overcome, since if we don't win, we will not return to our homes and none of us will gather with his family again, or you can leave this land that today we despise. We should leave victorious in this battle, because there is only a way back, and it is by sea. Gentlemen, when we return home, we will do so in the only way possible: on the boats of our enemies.
Alexander's Army defeated in the battle, and returned to their homeland aboard the ships of the conquered.

The best men are not those that have waited the opportunities, but those who have looked for them and tapped in time, those who have besieged them, those who have conquered them.

The empty cart

Some morning, my father invited me to take a walk through the Woods and I accepted with pleasure. He stopped on a curve and after a little silence, he asked me:-in addition to the singing of the birds, are you listening to something?
I agucé my ears and some seconds later replied:
-I'm listening to the noise of a cart.
-That's - my father - said. It is an empty cart.
-How do we know that it is empty, if we don't even see it? -I asked.
And he answered:
-It is very easy to know that a cart is empty, because of the noise. How much less loaded is a wagon, the greater the noise making.
I became an adult and even today, when I see a person talking too, ill-timed someone who interrupts the conversation from around the world, I was hearing the voice of my father saying: much less loaded is a wagon, the greater the noise that makes.

The hidden happiness

A little until mankind exist, several goblins gathered to make a prank. One of them said:-we take something human beings, but what?
After much thought, one said:
-I know! Let's remove them happiness. The problem is where to hide it so that they can not find it.
He proposed the first:
-We will hide it at the top of the highest mountain in the world.
-No, remember that they have strength; anyone could go and find it and if one finds it, everyone will already know where it is - another replied.
A new proposal was heard:
-Then we will hide it at the bottom of the sea. Another said:
-No, don't forget that they are curious, one could build a device to download, and then you will find it.
-Hide it in a well far away from the Earth planet - another proposed.
-No - they told him. Remember who gave them intelligence, and one day some will build a ship to travel to other planets is going to discover, and then everyone will have happiness.
The oldest Elf, which had remained in silence listening carefully to each of the proposals, said:
-I know where to put it so that they never find it.
All amazed turned and asked in unison:
-We esconderemos it within themselves; they will be so busy looking for her outside that they will never find it.
They all agreed, and since then it has been thus: man spends life looking for happiness without knowing that you wear it.

Perfect peace

True King promised a Grand Prize to the artist who could capture in a painting, perfect peace. Many tried to it. The King noted and admired all the works, but there were only two that have really liked him. The first showed a quiet lake, perfect mirror where the surrounding mountains were reflected. Above them was a blue sky with wispy white clouds. Everyone who looked at this painting agreed that reflected the perfect peace.
The second also had mountains, but these were rugged. On them had a dark sky, which fell an impetuous downpour with lightning and Thunder. Down the mountain seemed to Rumble a sparkling torrent of water.
This image was not revealed all peaceful. But when the King broke down the picture more carefully, he noted that after the waterfall, in a crevice, grew a delicate shrub. In it there was a nest and there, amid the roar of the violent fall of water, a little bird.
What you think was the winning painting? The King chose the second. Peace - he explained - does not mean being in a place without noise, no problems, no pain. Means that, even in the midst of these circumstances, our heart can stay calm.

Imagine solutions

On a cold and cloudy afternoon, two children skating without concern on a frozen pond. Suddenly the ice broke, and one of them fell into the water. Another grabbed a stone and began hitting the ice with all his strength, until he managed to break it and save his friend. When firefighters arrived and saw what had happened, they wondered: 'how did it? The ice is very thick, it is impossible that you could break it with that stone and his tiny hands..."
At that moment appeared a grandfather and, with a smile, said:
-I know how did it.
-How? -asked.
-There was no one to her around to tell him that he could not do it.

Einstein said: If you can imagine it, you can do it.
* History attributed to Albert Einstein.

My best friend

He says an Arabic legend that two friends travelled through the desert and discussed crossly. One of them gave a slap in the face to the other. This offended, wrote in the sand: "today my best friend gave me a slap in the face". They continued on their way and arrived at an oasis, where met bathe. He had slapped was drowning, and the other went to their rescue. To recover, he took a chisel and wrote on a stone: "today my best friend saved my life". Intrigued, he asked:-would why once you hurt wrote in the sand and now you write on a stone?
-When a great friend offends us, we must write it in the sand, where the wind of forgetfulness and forgiveness will take care of deleting it. When it happens to us something great, must record it in the stone of the heart, where no wind can make it disappear.

Mrs. Thompson

At the beginning of the school year a teacher, Mrs Thompson, was facing his fifth-grade students. Like most teachers, she looked at the guys and told them that everyone wanted them alike. But it was a big lie, because in the front row was, sunk in his seat, a boy named Jim Stoddard. Mrs Thompson knew it since the previous year, when it had observed that not playing with his companions, that his clothes were messy, and that seemed to always need a bath. With the passage of time, the relationship of the Lady Thompson with Jim became unpleasant, to the point that she felt like to mark the tasks of children with large red studs and put zero. One day school asked Mrs Thompson review previous records of the children in his class, and she left on Jim's last. When I reviewed it, was a big surprise.
Jim teacher in first grade had written: "is a bright child with a ready smile. Does their homework neatly and has good manners; a delight is being near it".
Second-grade teacher put in his report: "Jim is an excellent student, appreciated by his peers, but has problems because his mother suffers an incurable disease and his life at home must be a constant struggle".
Third-grade teacher said: "his mother's death has been hard for him. Tries to make its best effort but his father does not show much interest, and his life at home will soon affect you if some actions are not taken."
The fourth teacher wrote: "Jim is neglected and shows no interest in school. He doesn't have many friends and sometimes sleeps in class."
Mrs. Thompson realized the problem and felt embarrassed with herself. Felt even worse when, arriving Christmas, the students took their gifts wrapped in bright paper and with beautiful beading, except Jim: yours was clumsily wrapped in rough brown paper supermarket bags.
Some children started to laugh when she pulled out of that wraps a bracelet of stones that you were missing some, and a quarter of a bottle of perfume. But she downplayed the laughter to the exclaim: "what bracelet so beautiful!", while it was and sprinkled a bit of perfume on her wrist. Jim Stoddard was that day after school just to say: "Mrs Thompson, today you sniffed at as my mom smelled".
Once the children were, she wept for a long time. From that day he gave up teaching only reading, writing and arithmetic, and began to teach values, feelings and principles. He dedicated Special attention to Jim. As I worked with it, the mind of the child seemed to return to life; the more motivated him, he responded better. At the end of the year, it had become one of the most ready of the class.
Despite his lie that he wanted them all alike, the Lady Thompson appreciated especially to Jim. A year later, she found under the door of the living room a note in which the child told him that he was the best teacher who had had in his life.
It was six years before he received another note from Jim; He told her that he had finished high school, obtaining third place in its class, and that she was still the best teacher who had had in his life.
Four years later the Lady Thompson received another letter, where Jim told him that, while things had been tough, soon will he graduated University with top honors. And she assured him that she was still the best teacher who had had in his life.
It took four years and got another letter; This time Jim told her that, after receiving her undergraduate degree, I decided to go a little further. Reiterated it that she was the best teacher who had had in his life. His name was now longer; the letter was signed by Dr. James f.. Stoddard, M.B.
Time continued their March. In a subsequent letter, Jim said Mrs Thompson that he had met a girl and that he was going to marry. He explained that his father had died two years earlier and wondered if she would agree to sit in the place that is normally reserved for the mother of the groom. Of course, she accepted. For the day of the wedding, he used that old bracelet with several stones missing, and made sure to buy the same perfume that reminded his mother to Jim. They hugged, and Dr. Stoddard whispered in the ear of his former master:
-Thank you for believing in me. Thanks for making me feel important and for teaching me that I could make a difference.
The Lady Thompson, with tears in his eyes, replied:
-You are wrong, Jim: was you who taught me that I could make a difference.
I didn't have to teach until I met you.

(Pleasant and unpleasant) experiences we have throughout our lives are what we are today. Don't judge people without knowing what's behind them, always give them a chance to change your life.

Any similar

A newly born was found on the door of the Bank at dawn, when the first employees arrived at the office. They took in charge the creature and presented the case to the President of the entity, so you decide what to do. The President issued the following memorandum: from: President
To: Human resources
Subject: NH
We acknowledge receipt of the report of the discovery of a newborn baby of unknown origin. To form a Commission to investigate and determine:
(a) if found is domestic product of the organization.
b) if any employee is involved in the matter.
After a month of investigations, the Commission sent to the President the following communication:
From: Commission of inquiry
To: President
Subject: NH
After four weeks of diligent research, we conclude that the N.N. has no connection with this organization. The background that underlie this conclusion are the following:
(a) in the Bank, nothing has never been done with pleasure or love.
(b) ever two people in this organization have worked so closely together.
(c) not find conclusive history indicating that this organization any time had done something that had no feet or head.
(d) in this organization has never happened anything ready in nine months.

The best gift

Called David, his brother gave to a friend of mine a car as a Christmas gift. When David came out of his office, he saw that a child was next to the shiny new car, admiring it.-your self, this is Mr? -He asked.
David said with his head and said:
-My brother gave it to me for Christmas.
The child was amazed.
-Would like to say that his brother gave it to you and you didn't cost anything? Wow, how I wish...
Of course, David knew what child would say: who would like to have a brother as well. But what he said shook David from head to toe.
-I'd like to be a brother as well. David looked at the boy in astonishment and impulsively added:
-Would you like a ride in my car?
-Oh, Yes, that I would love!
After a short walk, the child asked, with sparkling eyes:-Lord, would not mind that we go to my house?
David smiled. He believed that the boy wanted to know: teaching neighbors who could get home in a great car. But, again, I was wrong.
-Do you can stop where those two steps are?-asked the child.
He ran and in short time David saw him return, but it did not come quickly. He carried with him to his crippled brother. He sat down on the first step and pointed to the car.
-Do you see it? There is, John, as I told you, there in front. His brother gave him Christmas and it didn't cost a dime, and someday I'm going to give one just like; then, you can see for yourself all the beautiful things of the Christmas Windows, of which you have spoken.
David fell from the truck and sat to the sick child in the front seat. The other child, with radiant eyes, climbed in the back, and they embarked on a memorable Christmas walk.
This Christmas Eve, David realized what had always heard him tell their teachers and their parents: there is more joy in giving that to receive.

The vanilla ice cream

The story begins when the division of General Motors which manufactures the Pontiac cars received a curious claim from a client: "this is the second time I sent them a letter and do not blame them for not answering. I can seem crazy, but the fact is that we have a tradition in our family that consists of eating ice cream after dinner. We repeat this habit every night, just by varying the flavor of ice cream, and I am responsible to bring it."
"I recently bought a new Pontiac and since then the trips to the ice cream parlour have been transformed into all a problem: whenever I buy vanilla ice cream and do I have to return home, the car doesn't work." If I buy any other flavor, truck functions normally. They will think that I am really mad and no matter what so silly it may seem my claim, the fact is that I'm very upset with my Pontiac model 99 ".
The letter generated so much grace among staff of Pontiac that the President of the company ended up receiving a copy. He decided to take the claim seriously and sent an engineer to meet with the client. To be sure of the problem, they went together to the ice cream parlour in the Pontiac.
Engineer suggested to buy vanilla ice cream, to verify the claim, and indeed the car did not work. Another employee of General Motors returned in the days following, at the same time, made the same trip and only varied the flavor of ice cream. The car ran normally.
The problem became an obsession for the engineer, who began to do "experiments" every day, recording every detail. After two weeks became the first great discovery: when customer chose vanilla ice cream, spent less time in their purchase because the ice cream was very close to the counter.
Examining the vehicle, the engineer made a new discovery: as the time of purchase was much lower in the case of vanilla ice cream, the engine could not cool down. Why the fuel vapors not be clearing, preventing that the engine would be instant.
From that episode, General Motors changed the Pontiac fuel feeding system and introduced a modification on all models. The complainant obtained a new car, and also the arrangement of which did not work when I went to buy vanilla ice cream.
General Motors circulated an internal statement, urging employees to take seriously all claims, even the strangest: can be that "a great innovation is behind a vanilla ice cream".
* Contribution of Adriana Gaviria and Eduardo Bernal, via the Internet.

The scars of the nails

This is the story of a little boy who had a very bad character. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that whenever he lost patience, it should be nailing one behind the door. The first day, the boy drove 37 nails. During the days that followed, as I was learning to control his temper, he nailed less and less. He discovered that it was easier to dominate that drive nails behind the door.
It came the day that could control their character throughout the day. His father suggested to withdraw one nail for each day that could potentially dominate.
The days passed, and it could announce to his father that were not for removing nails. The man took him by the hand, led him to the door and said:
You have worked hard, my son, but look at those holes in the wood: it is never more the same. Whenever you lose patience, leave scars as that you see here. You can insult someone and removing what was said, but the scar will last forever.
* Contribution of Sonia Garay Garay, Valparaiso, Chile, on January 22, 2002.

The soldier friend

A soldier told her Lieutenant:-my friend has not returned from the field of battle, Mr. I ask for permission to go to look for it.
-Permission denied - replied the officer-. I don't want you to risk your life for a man who has probably died.
The soldier, ignoring, came out. An hour later he returned, mortally wounded, transporting the body of his friend. The officer was furious:
-Said you that you had died! Tell me: was it worth to go there to bring a corpse?
And the soldier, almost dying, said:
-Clear that Yes, Sir! When I met him, was still alive and was able to tell me: "I was sure to come!"

A friend is someone who comes when everyone is gone.
* Contribution of Zac Holland, 22 January 2002.

The renewal of the Eagle

The Eagle is a bird of greater longevity: reach live seventy years. But to reach that age, at forty you must take a difficult decision. Then your nails are tight and flexible, so it fails to capture their prey. Peak, long and pointed, curved, pointed toward the chest. The wings are heavy and aged, and feathers have thickened. Fly and feed is then very difficult. You have only two options: die or face a painful process of renewal which lasts 150 days. This consists of flying to the top of a mountain and stay there, in a nest close to a wall, where is not necessary to fly but can get food from small rodents and lizards.
There, Eagle begins to nibble the wall until you get started the peak. You must then expect the growth of a new one, which drop off, one by one, the nails. When new nails are born, it begins to pluck it. After five months, it will undertake its flight of renewal, and will live 30 years longer.

Throughout life, we often have to protect us for some time and start a process of renewal. To undertake a flight of victory, we must let go of customs, traditions and memories that caused us pain. Only free of the weight of the past we can advance.
* Contribution of Marcos Soler, Rotolatinos.

Look at the obstacles

A renowned hindu master, Osho, said that our way of thinking is frozen and we were touring us always the same paths, because the mind is attached to the things that we think. Today, this phenomenon is known as 'paradigm'. Osho gave an example. Let us imagine that we are cycling on a road: the cool air hitting us face; trees, clouds, nature, birds, the distant mountains... Imagine that suddenly we see a large stone in the middle of the road. If we set all our attention on the stone - i.e. in the obstacle-even though only occupy a short on the road, we will end up hitting us with it.
Think of how many times we discovered an obstacle on the road and we are to assume it as if it were the only thing disappear all the other options (trees, clouds, the rest of the way), leading us inevitably towards him, towards the stone.
* Contribution of Vicente López, Argentina.

The circle of hate

An important businessman was angry, and scolded the director of one of its businesses. Director came to his house and yelled at his wife, accusing her of that he was spending too much because there was a hearty lunch at the table. Lady shouted to the employee, which broke a dish and gave a kick to the dog because he did it stumble. The animal ran out and bit a lady who went through there. When she went to the pharmacy to get a cure, she shouted to the pharmacist because it hurt the implementation of vaccine. This man came to his house and shouted to his mother because the food wasn't to your liking. Lady, spring of love and forgiveness, stroked you the head while I said: "son, do you promise to do tomorrow your favorite food. You work much, tired and now need a good night's sleep. I'll change the sheets of your bed by each other clean and perfumed so you can rest in peace. Tomorrow you'll feel better". He blessed him and left the room, leaving him alone with his thoughts. At that time the circle of hatred, was interrupted when colliding with grace, gentleness, forgiveness and love.___________
* Contribution of Carlos e. Morales, via the Internet.

Footprints in the heart

A young man stood at the center of a village and proclaimed that he had the most beautiful heart of the entire region. A large crowd gathered to her around: all confirmed, admired, that heart was perfect, as they were not observed in the spots or scratches; They agreed that it was the most beautiful heart that had vistoAl know you admired, the young man felt prouder still, and with greater conviction said that theirs was the most beautiful heart of all over the place. Suddenly, an old man emerged from the crowd and spoke to him:
-Why do you say that? Your heart is not as beautiful as mine.
With surprise, the crowd and the young man looked at the heart of the old and saw that, while he was beating vigorously, it was covered with scars, even had holes and areas where missing pieces that had been replaced by others that did not correspond, as were the uneven edges. The young man began to laugh.
-You must be kidding - he said-. Compare your heart with mine... Mine is perfect. Yours on the other hand, is a lot of scarring and pain.
-It is true - replied the elder-: your heart looks perfect, but I will ever I compromise with you. You see, every scar represents a person to which I gave all my love. I started me pieces of the heart to give them each one of those whom I've loved. Many, in turn, have given me pieces of his, I have put in place that was open. The parts were not equal, are these uneven edges, of which I am glad because I remember the love that I've shared. There were also opportunities in which I gave a piece of my heart to someone, but that person did not offer anything in return: then there were these gaps. Despite the pain that wounds me produce, remind me that I'm loving these people and feed the hope that someday maybe come back and fill the vacuum left. Doyou understand now what is truly beautiful? -topped the old man.
The young man remained silent, but tears ran down her cheeks. He approached the old man, a piece of the heart was started and offered it. The old man received it and put it in his heart, removed a piece and with it plugged the open wound of the young. The piece is molded, but not perfection: be noticed the edges. The young man looked at his heart, which was not perfect but was much more beautiful than before, because the love was flowing inside.

And how is your heart?
* Contribution by Daniel Molina, via the Internet.

Submissive elephant

When I was a kid I loved circuses. What I liked the most were the animals, and my favorite was the elephant. During the function, the enormous beast impressed everyone by its weight, its size and its huge strength. But after the performance and up to a time before returning to the stage, one could find the elephant behind the big top, with one leg chained to a small stake ground. The stake was only a tiny piece of wood, just buried shallowly. And although the chain was thick and powerful, it seemed obvious that this animal, capable of starting a tree of rennet, could start the stake and flee. The mystery was clear:why the elephant was not fleeing, if it could boot the stake the same effort that I would need to break a match? Dowhat mysterious force kept it tied? I was 7 or 8 years, and still trusting the wisdom of elders. I asked then to my parents, teachers and uncles, looking for answer to that mystery. I did not receive a coherent. Someone explained to me that the elephant was not escaping because he was trained. I then asked the obvious question: "and if you are trained, do you what chain?" Not remember having received any satisfactory explanation.
Over time I forgot the mystery of the elephant and stake, and only remembered it when I was with people who gave me answers inconsistent, out of step, and, a couple of times, with people who had made the same question. Until a few days ago I met a person, wise enough, which gave me an answer that I met at last: the elephant is no exception because it has been tied to a stake like since I was very small.
I closed my eyes and I imagined the baby elephant, with only a few days old, subject to the stake. I'm sure that at that time it pushed, pulled and shook trying to let go. And despite all your efforts could do it: the stake was very strong for him. I could swear the first day went to sleep exhausted by the abortive effort, and the next day he returned to testing, and also to the other and the of beyond... Until one day, a terrible day, animal accepted his impotence and are resigned to their fate. He stopped fighting to get rid.

This huge and powerful elephant does not escape because he believes that he can do. It has etched in the mind the memory of then useless efforts, and stopped fighting. Never tried to test his strength. Each of us is a bit like that elephant: we are on the world tied to hundreds of pickets remaining us freedom. We believe that we cannot with a lot of things, simply because once tried and couldn't. We recorded in our minds these words: I can not, I will never be able. The only way to know what our limitations now is to try again, putting this whole heart.
* Contribution from Eduardo Bernal, via the Internet.

Love exe

Client:-Hello? I'm talking to the support Department? Employee:-so. Good morning, how can I help you?
-I was reviewing my team and I found a system that is called love; but it doesn't work. Can you help me with that?
-Safe Yes. But I can not install it, you will have to do it yourself. I am on the phone, do you think?
-Yes, I can try it. I don't know much about these things, but I think I'm ready to install it. Where do I start?
-The first step is to open heart. Already found it?
-Yes, but there are several programs running at this time. Is it okay to install at the same time?
-What are these programs?
-Let me see... I have DOLOR-PASADO. EXE, BAJA-ESTIMA. EXE and RESENTMENT. COM running at this time.
-No problem. LOVE will automatically erase to DOLOR-PASADO. EXE from your current operating system. Maybe it is engraved in its permanent memory, but it will not affect other programs. LOVE will eventually replace the BAJA-ESTIMA program. EXE with a proprietary system called ALTA-ESTIMA module. EXE. However, it has to completely eliminate RESENTMENT. COM. This program prevents that love is installed properly. Can you delete it?
-I don't know how.
-Go to start menu and choose FORGIVENESS. EXE. Run it as many times as necessary, until RESENTIMIENTO.COM has been completely erased.
-Ready. LOVE has begun to install automatically. Is it normal?
-Yes. You will shortly receive a message that says that love will remain active while heart is in effect. Can you see that message?
-Yes, I see it. Already did the installation?
-Yes, but remember that it only has the Basic program. You need to connect with other hearts to receive updates.
-Oh, oh... An error message appeared.
What should I do? -What does the message say? -Error 412. Program is not active in internal components. What does that mean?
-Don't worry, is a common problem. It means that love is configured to run on external hearts, but it has not been executed in your own heart. It is one of those technical things in programming; in simple terms it means that you have to love your own computer before you can love another.
-So, what do I do?
-You can locate the directory called self-acceptance?
-Yes, I have it.
-Excellent, fast learner.
-Thank you.
-Of anything. Click on the following files to be copied to the directory my heart: AUTOPERDON. DOC, SELF-ESTEEM. TXT, VALUE. INF and realization. HTM. The system will replace any file that make conflict and will repair any damaged program. Be sure to delete BAJA-ESTIMA. EXE and RESENTIMIENTO.COM of all the directories, and then delete all the temporary files and Recycle Bin, so that never again will activate.
-Understood. Hey! MY heart fills with some very nice files: smile. MPG is displayed on my monitor and indicates that CALOR.COM, peace. EXE and FELICIDAD.COM are replicating...
-That means that love is installed and running. You can already do. One more thing before I go...
-LOVE is free software. Be sure to give it, along with its different modules, all the people who know and want. They, in turn, share it with others, and will return you a few nice modules.
-That will do, thanks for the help.

Arming the world

A scientist who lived concerned with the problems of the world, was determined to find the means to reduce them. He spent whole days in his lab, looking for answers to their questions. One day, his 7-year-old son invaded the sanctuary with the intention of helping work. The scientist, nervous about the interruption, tried to make that child was going to play somewhere else. Seeing that it would be impossible to get him out of there, he attempted to divert your attention. He tore the sheet from a magazine in which represented the world, cut it into several pieces with scissors and gave it to the child with a roll of tape, saying:-do you like puzzles? I'll give you the world to fix. Here it is, all broken. See if you can fix it well!
He calculated that it would take the child days recompose map. Few hours later, he heard that you called him:
-Dad, Dad, I did it! I managed to finish everything!
At the beginning, the scientist did not give credit to the words of the child. It was impossible that, at his age, had reassembled a map he had ever seen. Then raised the eyes of his annotations, insurance that would be a job worthy of a child. To his surprise, the map was complete: all parts were in the right place.
-You did not know how the world is son, how did get it?
-He didn't know how the world is, but when you pull the blade of the magazine, I saw that on the other hand it was the figure of a man. I tried to fix the world but I didn't get it. It was then when I gave him the cuts turn and started to arrange the man, I knew how it was. When finished, turn the blade and saw that he had arranged the world.
* This story, which can be heard often is attributed to Guille Barbey.

The perfection of God

In Brooklyn, New York, there is a school for children of slow learning. There some spend all of their school life, while others are sent to conventional schools. At a dinner that took place in the school, the father of Shaya, one of these children, gave a speech which could never forget those who heard it." Where is the perfection in my son Shaya? All the work of God is made to perfection. But my child cannot understand things that other children understand. My child cannot remember facts and figures reminiscent of other children. "Where he is, therefore, the perfection of God?" The audience was stunned by this question, by a man who looked distressed. "I believe - he continued - when God allows that come to the world children as well, its perfection lies in how others react to them".
Then he told a story about his son. One evening, the two walked through a park where a group of children were playing baseball. "Do you think they will let me play?", asked Shaya. He knew that his son was not at all an athlete and that others would not want it on your computer, but understood that you impressed him involved in the game because it was sure to be like everyone else.
The father called one of the children and asked if Shaya could play. He looked at his teammates and, unable to get any response, took the decision: "we're losing by six runs and the game is in the eighth race. I see no inconvenience. I think that you can be on our team, and we will try to bat in the ninth race."
The Lord was amazed with the response, and Shaya smiled. I wanted them to put it in a basis; so it would play in a short time, just at the end of the eighth race. But the children ignored it. The game was putting good, Shaya team scored again and was now with the bases full and two outs. The best player was running to base, and Shaya was prepared to start.
It would leave the computer that Shaya was at bat, risking the chance to win the game? Surprisingly, Shaya was at bat. Everyone thought that was the end, because I didn't even know to take it. Anyway, when Shaya was standing at the plate, the pitcher moved some steps to throw the ball gently, in such a way that the child could at least make contact with it. Shaya failed. Then, one of his teammates approached him and helped him to hold the bat. The pitcher took a few steps and launched smoothly. Shaya and her partner gave the ball, which immediately returned into the hands of the pitcher. This could throw the ball to first base, striking out Shaya and out of the game. Instead, threw it as far as that might of first base. All began to shout: "Shaya, run to first, runs to first base!" He had never run to first base, but everyone showed you where to do it.
While Shaya was, a player from the other team had already the ball in his hands. He could throw it to second base, leaving out Shaya, but understood the intentions of the pitcher and threw it high, away from second base. Everyone shouted: "Run to second, running to second base!" Shaya ran, and other children ran to his side and gave him encouragement to continue.
When Shaya touched second base, the other team stopped running towards him, showed him the third baseman and yelled: "Runs third!" As I ran to third, the children of the two teams were running beside him, screaming all with one voice: "Shaya, run to fourth!" Shaya was fourth and stopped right at the plate home, where 18 children hoisted on shoulders and made it feel a hero: he had a great career, he had won the game for his team.
"That day - said the father of Shaya, with tears rolling through their cheeks-eighteen children with a high level showed the perfection of God".

We are all eagles

A farmer went to the Woods to catch a bird to have him captive in his house. He managed to catch a pigeon of Eagle and put it in the chicken coop, along with chickens, where received the same treatment as these. After five years, the farmer received the visit of a naturalist. While walking through the garden, he said:
-This bird is not a hen; It is an eagle. -So - replied the peasant-. But I was brought up as a hen, and it is no longer an eagle. It became one hen as the other, despite having wings of almost three meters.
-Wrong - replied the naturalist. She is and will always be an eagle, it has heart of Eagle. That heart will make it fly to the heights one day.
-No, no - insisted the peasant-. It became chicken, and will never fly like Eagle.
Then they decided to do a test. The naturalist lifted the Eagle and challenged her:
-Since you're an eagle, because you belong to the sky and not the Earth, open your wings and fly...!
The Eagle landed on the outstretched arm of the naturalist. He looked distractedly around and, seeing the chickens back down, pecking grains, jumped next to them. The peasant said:
-I said that became hen...
-Non - insisted the naturalist-it is an eagle. And an Eagle always an eagle. Tomorrow will be a new experiment.
The next day, the naturalist climbed to the roof of the House, with the Eagle, and whispered to him:-since you're an eagle, open your wings and fly!
Again, the Eagle saw the chickens pecking the ground, and jumped beside them. The peasant smiled and returned to the fray:
-Told him: became hen!
-No - replied firmly the naturalist. It is an eagle, and will always have the heart of Eagle. We will experience for the last time. Tomorrow I will make it fly.
The next day, the naturalist and the peasant stood well early. They carried the Eagle on the outskirts of the city, away from the homes of the men, at the top of a mountain. The rising sun glinted the peaks of the Andes mountain range. The naturalist lifted the animal and ordered:
-Since you're an eagle, because you belong to the sky and not the Earth, open your wings and fly!
The bird looked around. He trembled, as if it were faced with a new life. But no flew. Then, the naturalist took her firmly, put it towards the Sun, so her eyes could fill the vastness of the horizon, and threw it into the vacuum. At that time, Eagle opened its powerful wings, squawked the typical kau kau of these birds, and rose, sovereign over itself. It departed flying, higher and higher, to be confused with the blue of the sky.

All men are born as Eagles. But if someone makes us think like hens, it is possible to believe that we are. But we are eagles, we must learn to fly. Us not satisfied with beads that we throw at toes to Peck.

The rump of a Roman horse

Found us very interesting this story, because it shows that some things are made in a certain way because they were always so. The width of the railway in United States lines is 4 feet, 8.5 inches. A magnitude is rather strange. Why is this measure precisely used? Because it is as done in Britain, and the first railways in North America were built by the British.
Why the English used this magnitude? Because the first railways were built by the same people who had built the old streetcars, and that it was his measure.
And why they used that figure? Because they used the same templates and tools that were used to build the carriages. That was the distance between the wheels.
And why was exactly that the magnitude of the space between the wheels? Because if they had used any other measure, carriages would become pieces in any old English way, since that is the distance between rows (footprints left by the wheels of a truck).
Who built those old ways? The first in Europe, and specifically in England long distance roads, were built by the Roman Empire, for the passage of his legions.
What are the grooves on these roads? The Chariots of the Roman legions formed, with the passage of time, initial grooves, that others had to imitate then to not destroy the wheels of their chariots. All the Chariots of the Roman Empire had the same space between the wheels, equivalent to the size of the legs of two horses.
Then, the width of the railroads in the United States derives from the original specifications of Roman chariots.
But there is something else. Spacecraft have, to the sides of two large rocket main fuel tank. These are called SRB, Solid Rocket Boosters, built by Thiokoi at its factory in Utah. The engineers who designed them would have preferred to make them a little wider, but it wasn't possible. The SCG must be sent by train from the factory to the place of release of the ship. The railway passes through a tunnel in the mountains, and if rockets were wider simply they would not fit. Thus, the design of rockets drive the ships travelling to the space was determined two thousand years ago by the size of the legs of the Roman horses.
* Contribution of Christian J. von Buren and Diego Lasalle.

I learned and I decided to

After waiting for a day like any other, I decided to succeed. I decided to not wait for opportunities, but look for them.
I decided to see every problem as an opportunity to find a solution.
I decided to see each desert as the chance of finding an oasis.
I decided to see each night as a mystery to be solved.
I decided to see each day as a new opportunity to be happy.
That day I discovered that my only rival are my own weaknesses, and that in them is the best way to overcome me. I stopped fearing losing, and began to fear not to win.
I discovered that it was not the best, and perhaps I never went it.
Let me import who won or lost; now my concern is simply to know me better than yesterday.
I learned how difficult is not reaching the top, but never let up.
I learned that the best win is to have the right of calling someone a "friend".
I found that love is more than a simple state of falling in love, is a philosophy of life.
I stopped being a reflection of my last few wins and started to be my Dim light of this present.
I learned that it of no use to be light if you're not going to light the way for others.
That day I decided to change many things, and I learned that dreams are only to become reality. Since I don't sleep to rest, but to dream.

The puppet

If for a moment God forget that I am a puppet of rag, and gave me a piece of life, possibly he would not say what I think, but ultimately you would think everything I say. It would give value to things not by what they are worth, but by what they mean.
He would sleep little and dream more; I understand that for every minute we close our eyes, we lose sixty seconds of light.
He would walk when others stop, wake when others sleep, listen while others speak, and how to enjoy a good chocolate ice cream...
If God presented me a piece of life, you dress simple and I would pull of face to face to the Sun, revealing not only my body but my soul.
My God, if I had a heart would write my hate on the ice, and would expect to to leave the Sun.
He would paint with a dream of Van Gogh on the stars a poem by Benedetti; and a song of Serrat would Serenade that offer him to the moon. Roses, to feel the pain of their spines and incarnate their petals kiss it irrigated with my tears.
My God, if I had a piece of life...
I would not spend a single day without telling people that I love, I love her. It would convince every woman and man are my favorites and live in love with love.
It would prove the men how wrong they are thinking that they are falling in love as they age, not knowing that age when they fall in love.
It would give the children wings, but would leave that they learn to fly alone.
Old, my old, would teach that death does not come with old age but with oblivion.
So many things I've learned from you, men...
I've learned that everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, without knowing that true happiness is in the form of climbing.
I've learned that when a newborn tightens his small fist first finger of his mother, has trapped forever.
I have learned that a man only has the right to look at another man down when it has to help you get up.
So many things are that I have been able to learn of you, men, but eventually I will be much because when I saved inside this suitcase with the other puppets, I'm dying...

Lost Butterfly

A child said: "God, speak to me". And then a field Lark sang, but the child did not listen.
The child exclaimed: "God, speak to me!"
And Thunder echoed all over the sky, but the child did not listen to him.
The child looked to her around and said: "God, let me look at you".
And a star lit up, radiant, but the child did not realize.
And the child cried again: "God, show me a miracle".
And a life was born from an egg, but the child did not notice it.
Crying desperately, said: "touch me, God, to know that you are with me".
God bent down and touched the child. But he shook is the butterfly.

Many times the things we overlook are those that we have been looking for.
* "God, are you real?" Taken from Internet, 5 November 2000.

Who needs me?

I received a phone call from a good friend, that I was very much pleased. The first thing he asked me was:-how are you?
Without knowing why, replied:-very lonely.
-Would you like to talk about?
I replied Yes, and added:
-Would you like to go to your House?
I said yes. We hung the phone and within fifteen minutes I was playing at my door. I talked for hours of everything: my job, my family, my girlfriend, my debts; He, attentive always, I listened. In those us became day. I was mentally exhausted; had done me much good your company and above all that I hear, I supported and made me see my mistakes. When he noticed that I was better, I said:
-Well, I'm going, I have to work. Surprised, I told him:
-Why not me ever said that you had to go to work? Watch the time which is, not slept nothing, you took the night off.
He smiled and said to me:-no problem, for that we are friends.
I felt happy and proud to have a friend as well. I accompanied him to the door of my house, and when he walked to his car, yelled from a distance:
- And all this, what you called last night so late?
He returned and told me in a low voice:
-I wanted to give you some news.
-What happened? -I asked.
-I went to the doctor and he told me that I am seriously ill.
I stayed silent. He smiled again and said:
-We'll talk of that. Have a nice day.
He spent a long time until I could assimilate the situation, and asked myself over and over again: why when he asked me how was I forgot it and just told you about me? How did you have the strength to smile me, encourage me and tell me what you told me? This is unbelievable.
Since then my life has changed: now I am less dramatic with my problems and enjoy more of the good stuff. Now I take more time with the people that I want to.

That does not live to serve does not live. Life is like a ladder: If one looks upward, it will always be the last in the line, but if you look down you see that there are many people who would like to be in place. Stop to listen and help your friends: they need it.

The little worm

A little worm was walking towards the Sun. Very close to the road was a pixie. - where do you go? -asked.
While walking, the worm replied:
-I had a dream last night: I dreamed I saw across the Valley from the top of the great mountain. I liked what I saw in the dream, and I decided to do it.
The Goblin said, as he watched it get away:
-You must be crazy! How to can you get to that place? You, a simple Caterpillar! For someone as small as you, a stone will be a mountain; a small puddle, the sea, and any trunk, an impassable barrier.
But the worm was already away and did not hear it. Suddenly the voice of a beetle was heard:-friend, where you go so hard?
The worm, panting, replied:
-I had a dream and want to do it: I will climb that mountain and from there will address one all over the world.
The beetle laughed and said:
-Nor I, with these big legs, he would try a company so of ambitious - and it was laughing, as Caterpillar continued their way.
In the same way, the spider, Mole, frog and flower advised our friend desist
-Do not make happen it ever! -They said.
But inside there was a momentum that forced him to continue. Exhausted, weak and about to die, he decided to stop to build a place where to spend the night with her last effort.
-Be better here - was the last thing said, and died. All the animals of the Valley were looking at their remains. There was the craziest Valley animal: had built as a monument to folly Tomb. This hard shelter was worthy of who had died for wanting to be an impossible dream.
A morning in which the sun shone in particular, all the animals gathered around what had become a warning for the daring. Suddenly, they were amazed. Shell began to break and appeared a few eyes and an antenna that could not belong to the dead Caterpillar. Little by little, as to give them time to recover from the impact, they were leaving the beautiful wings of that impressive be had before them: a splendid butterfly.
There was nothing to say, because everyone knew what I would do: I would go flying into the great mountain and would carry out his dream. The dream that had lived, had died and had gone to live.

Have been created to realize our dreams. If we live for them, if we try to achieve them, if we put life and we are confident that we can, we'll make happen it. If we doubt, perhaps we need make a stop along the way and experiencing a radical change in our lives.

Winners and losers

When an error is made by a winner, says: "I made a mistake and learned a lesson". When an error is made by a loser, says: "It wasn't my fault", and attributes it to others.
A winner knows that misfortune is the best of teachers.
A loser feels victim of adversity.
A winner knows that the result of things depends on it.
A loser believes there is bad luck.
A winner works very strong and allows more time for himself.
A loser is always very busy, and don't have time or for theirs.
A winner faces the challenges one by one.
A loser gives them round and round and does not dare to try.
A winner is committed, gives his word and meets it.
A loser makes promises, ensures nothing, and when it fails, only justifies it.
A winner says: "I'm good, but I'm going to be better".
A loser says: "I'm not as bad as many other people".
A winner listens, understands and responds.
A loser just waits until touch you your turn to speak.
A winner respects to those who know more than him and tries to learn from them.
A loser refuses to those who know more than him and is only set at their defaults.
A winner feels responsible for something more than his work.
A loser is not committed and always says: "I just do my job".
A winner says: 'There must be a better way to do it'.
A loser says: "This is the way in which we have always done".
A winner is part of the solution.
A loser is part of the problem.
A winner is fixed on the entire wall.
A loser is set in the brick that you put.
A winner, like you, share this message with your friends.
One loser, like the others, keeps it to itself.

Carrots, eggs and coffee

As well as the gold must go through the fire to be purified, human beings need evidence to Polish our character. The most important is how we react against them. A daughter complained to his father about life. I did not know how to move forward and, tired of struggling, was about to give up. It seemed that when he solved a problem, appeared another.
The father, a chef, took her to the kitchen. He filled three pots with water and put them on high heat. When the liquid was boiling, it threw carrots in the first pot, a couple of eggs in the second, and some coffee beans in the third.
The daughter waited eagerly, wondering what her father was doing. Twenty minutes he turned off the fire, put the carrots in a bowl and the eggs in another, BREW coffee and served it in a jar. Looking at her daughter, she asked him:
-Dear, what do you see?
-Carrots, eggs and coffee - was the answer.
Asked to touch the carrots: were soft. Then he said that he broke an egg: was hard. Finally, he asked to try the coffee. She smiled, while enjoying the rich aroma of the drink. Humbly, the young man asked:
-Would mean what, Dad?
-These three elements - he said - have faced the same adversity, boiling water and each reacted differently. Carrot, strong and hard, became weak, easy to dispose. The egg was fragile; the thin shell protected liquid inside, which is hardened after being in the boiling water. Coffee beans was transformed to water, turning it into the nice drink that comforts you and warms up. What are you? -asked the Cook to his daughter-. When adversity knocks on your door, are you carrot, egg or coffee bean?

And you, dear reader? Is it like a carrot that seems strong, but becomes weak when adversity touches it? Is it like an egg, whose malleable heart hardens before the penalties? Or as a coffee bean, changing to the boiling water, the element that causes you pain? Which is like a coffee bean, reacts better when things get worse.

Only over time

Eventually, you realize that if you are next to a person only to accompany your loneliness, end up hopelessly wishing not to see her again. Eventually, you realize that true friends are worth more than any amount of money.
Over time, you understand that true friends are counted, and that he does not fight for them sooner or later is seen surrounded by false friends.
Eventually, you learn to excuse anyone makes it, while forgiveness is only of great souls.
Eventually, you learn to build all your roads on today, because morning ground is too uncertain for plans.
Over time, even if you are happy with the ones by your side, you terribly long to those who have left.
Eventually, you learn to try to forgive or apologize, say that you love, that you miss, you need, because it makes no sense to a tomb.

The circle of ninety-nine

A very sad King was a servant who was always full and happy. Every morning, when he had breakfast, it would wake up humming glad songs of Minstrels. Always had a smile on his face, and his attitude toward life was serene and cheerful. One day the king commanded to call and asked him:-page, what is the secret?
-Do secret, Majesty?
-What is the secret of your joy?
-There is no secret, Highness.
-Don't lie to me. I have commanded to cut off heads for offenses less than a lie.
-Majesty, I have no reason to be sad. His Highness I am honoured allowing me to serve you. I have my wife and my children living in the House that the Court has assigned to us, we are clothed and fed, and also his Highness I occasionally rewarded with some coins that allow us to give us small indulgences. How not be happy?
-If not I say already same secret, behead - the King - said. No one can be happy for these reasons you have given.
The servant smiled, bowed and left the room. The King was furious, failed to explain how the page lived happy, wearing used clothes and feeding on the leftovers of the courtiers. When he calmed down, he called the wisest of its advisers and asked him:
-Why is he happy?
-Majesty, what happens is that he is on the outside of the circle.
-Do outside the circle? And that is what makes him happy?
-No, Majesty, that is not making them unhappy.
-To see if I understand: being in the circle makes him unhappy? And how he came out of it?
-It's that never came.
-What circle is that?
-The circle of ninety-nine.
-Really, I do not understand anything.
-The only way to understand would show it with facts. How? Please enter the page in the circle. But, your Highness, no one can force anyone into the circle. If we give you the opportunity, will come by itself.
- But do not realize that this is your unhappiness?
-If you will notice, but it cannot prevent it.
-Do you say that he will realize the unhappiness that will cause you to get into that ridiculous circle, and will do so anyway?
-As is, Majesty. If you are willing to lose a great servant to understand the structure of the circle, we'll do it. Tonight I will pass to look for him. You must have prepared a leather bag with ninety-nine gold coins.
And so it was. The Sage went to find the King together is they trickled to the courtyards of the Palace and they hid next to the House of the page. The wise man kept in the bag a paper saying: "this treasure is yours. It is the reward for being a good man. "Enjoy it and not tell anyone how found it".
When the page came out in the morning, the Sage and the King were spying on him. The servant read the note, shook the stock market and to hearing the metallic sound shuddered. He pressed it against the chest, looked to all sides and closed the door.
The King and the wise man approached the window to view the scene. The servant had pulled everything that was on the table, leaving only a candle, and had emptied the contents of the bag. Her eyes could not believe what they saw: a mountain of gold coins! The page played them, stacked them and shone them with the candle. He joined them and it spread, playing with them... Thus, it began to make piles of ten coins. A stack of ten, two batteries of ten, three, four, five batteries of ten... until it formed the last pile: nine coins! His gaze swept the table first, then the floor, and finally the bag.
"It can not be", he thought. Put the last pile beside the others and confirmed that it was lower. "I was robbed - cried - I stole, cursed!" Once again he sought at the table, on the floor, in the bag, in their clothes. He ran the furniture, but it found nothing. On the table, as mocking him, a resplendent Montañita reminded him that there were ninety-nine gold coins. "Too much money - thought-, but I need a coin." Ninety-nine is not a whole number. "One hundred is a complete number, but ninety -nine do not".
The King and his Adviser looked out the window. The face of the page was no longer the same, had furrowed brow and the taut features, eyes were small and the mouth showed a horrible grimace. The servant kept the coins and, looking in all directions in order to make sure that no one saw him, hid the bag between the firing. He took paper and pen and sat to do calculations. How long would he to save to buy their currency number 100? Only, he spoke out loud. He was willing to work hard to get it; then, perhaps you would not need more work. One hundred gold coins a man can stop working. One hundred gold coins, a man is rich. One hundred gold coins you can live quiet. If it worked and saved, in eleven or twelve years you reunite you need. Made accounts: adding his salary and that of his wife, meet the money in seven years. It was too long! But to what so many winter clothes?, for which more than one pair of shoes? In four years of sacrifices would reach its currency one hundred.
The King and the wise returned to the Palace.
The page had come into the circle of ninety-nine. During the following months, continued their savings plans. One morning he entered the Royal Bedroom banging doors and grumbling.
-What about you? -asked the King in good way.
-Nothing - you answered the other.
-Not long ago, you laugh and have to sing all the time.
-I do my job, right? What would you want your Highness, that would also be your jester and Minstrel?
It was not long until the King dismissed the servant. It was nice to have a page that was always in a bad mood.

Most of us have been educated in this Psychology: we always need something to be complete, and only then will be able to enjoy what we have; always we are missing "five cents for weight". They taught us that happiness must wait to complete what is lacking. And as always something we need, the idea takes the beginning and we can never enjoy life. Another thing would be if we give us account, thus, slammed, that our ninety-nine coins are 100 percent of our fortune, not missing us anything, that no one stayed with ours. It is only a trap, a carrot, put before us so that, by greed, we drag truck, tired, proletariats, unhappy or resigned. A hoax so never stop pushing, without seeing the enormous treasures that we have around, here and now. We yearn for what we need and leave you enjoy what we have.
* Contribution of Rotolatinos from San Vicente, Argentina, through its web site. The author does not cite is.

Give to receive

There was an Arab named Beremis Samir, who could do anything with numbers. One day going travel and found, middle of the road, three men argued hotly against a lot of camels. Beremis stopped and asked them the reason for the dispute, and one of them replied:-we are brothers and we received these thirty-five camels as a legacy of our father who has just passed away. I, because I am the oldest, I must stay, according to the will of the deceased, with half of the animals. This one, which is the second, should receive one-third. And that, the minor, the ninth part. Another of the brothers then said:
- But it is impossible to find exact half, and even more so the third and the ninth parts of thirty-five!
Beremis Samir thought a moment and then, by dismantling their own camel, added it to the batch in which the brothers had inherited. They were surprised by the generous attitude of the traveller, but wait silently to be explained. And so he did, in fact:
-Adding my camel for you, there are thirty-six. So it takes half that you belong - and separated eighteen camels for the eldest of the brothers.
Turning to the second, he continued:
-The third part is you. Having thirty-five camels, it was not possible that you receive it, as the third part of thirty-five is eleven and peak, and the camels don't have beaks. But now, with the camel that I added, they are thirty-six. Ten: here are your twelve camels, the third part of thirty-six.
The younger brother was.
-The ninth part of the batch corresponds to you, according to the will of your father. The ninth part of thirty-six is four: take your four camels.
Then, Beremis Samir made accounts:
-You have received eighteen camels, you twelve and you four, more than fair share you, by the legacy of thirty-five camels. Now add: eighteen twelve, thirty. Four, thirty-four. It means that the thirty-six camels, there are plenty of two. One is that I put. And the other, that it is for having helped obtain what corresponded to them - and all the brothers leaving happy, went with two camels.

The moral to be revealed in this story is that everything you give others surrenders provisionally, because always the life brings back it us more than. If the selfish knew the advantages reported generosity, would be generous for pure selfishness.
* Contribution by Maribel Zupel, Santa Fe, Argentina, on November 13, 2001.

The weight of unforgiveness

The theme of the day was the resentment, and the teacher had asked us to take potatoes and a plastic bag. We should take a potato per person which kept resentment, write their name on the Pope and store it in the bag. Some bags were really heavy. The exercise consisted of carry bag with us for a week. Naturally, the condition of the potatoes would deteriorate over time. The discomfort of carrying that bag at all times showed me clearly the spiritual weight that carried on a daily basis and pointed out me that, while putting my attention on it so you don't forget it on any side, it neglected more important things. I discovered then that all have potatoes rotting in our sentimental "backpack".
This exercise was a great metaphor for the price that was paid on a daily basis to keep resentment derived from past things, which cannot be changed. I realized that when it left side incomplete issues or the promises unfulfilled, I filled with resentment. My stress level increased, not sleeping well and my attention is dispersed. Forgive and "let go" filled me with peace, feeding my spirit.
Unforgiveness is like a poison that we took drops every day, until it finally ends up poisoning us. Many times we think that forgiveness is one gift to the other, and do not realize that we ourselves are the only beneficiaries.
Forgiveness is a declaration that you can and you must renew every day. Many times the most important person to which you have to forgive is yourself, for all the things that were not in the way as you thought. The Declaration of magnanimity is the key to free yourself. With whom are you bitter? Who is you not possible to forgive? You are infallible, and therefore you can not forgive the mistakes of others? Forgive, and so you will be forgiven. Remember that with the stick which you measure will be measured.

Ease our burden gives us greater freedom to move us towards our goals.
* Ana Luisa Cid Fernandez submitted by Daniel Molina, Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina, via the Internet.

The message of the ring

The King said to the wise men of the Court:-I have ordered a precious ring.
I have a great diamond, and I want to save any messages that may help me in moments of total despair, and that will also help to my heirs, and the heirs of my heirs, forever within the ring. It has to be a small message, in a way that fits under the stone.
His listeners were wise, great scholars, and could have written extensive treated; but compose a message of few words that could help the King in a moment of despair was a challenge. They thought, they looked for in their books, but they couldn't find anything.
The King had an old servant who had also been a servant of his father. The mother of the King had died young and this servant had cared, so treated him as a member of the family. The monarch felt an immense respect for the elderly, and consulted it. This said to him:
-I am not a wise man, a scholar, nor an academic, but I know a message. During my long life in the Palace, I found all kinds of people, and on one occasion I met a mystic. He was invited from your father, and I was at your service. Guarido he was, as a gesture of gratitude, I got this message - the elder wrote in a tiny paper, folded it and passed it to the King. But do not you read it, keep it hidden in the ring. Open it only when all else has failed, when you do not find you output to a situation.
That moment soon to arrive. The territory was invaded and the King lost the throne. It was running on his horse to save life and opponents chasing him. Suddenly arrived at a place where the road ended and there was no exit: was against a cliff. I could already hear the trotting of horses enemies.
Suddenly, he remembered the ring. Opened it, pulled out the paper and found the small message: "This also will happen". As I read it, he felt that a great silence hung over him. The enemies chasing him should have been lost in the forest, or perhaps had the wrong way, but the truth is that gradually ceased to hear the trotting of the beasts.
The King felt deeply grateful with the servant and the mystical stranger, because those words had been miraculous. Folded paper, again to keep it in the ring, gathered their armies and retook the Kingdom. The day entering victorious to the capital, there was a big celebration with music and dances. The old man, who was beside her in the car, said to him:
-Lord, again read the message of the ring.
-Do you mean? the King asked. Now I am victorious, people celebrate my return. I am not desperate, in a no-win situation.
-This message is not only for desperate situations, also is for pleasant situations. It is not just for when you're defeated, also is for when you have triumphed. It is not just for when you're last, also for when you are the first.
The King opened the ring and read the message: "This also will happen". In the midst of the crowd which celebrated and danced, he felt the same peace and the same silence of the forest; the pride had disappeared. He then finished understand the message.
-Remember that everything passes - told the old man. Any situation or any emotion are permanent. As the day and night, there are moments of joy and moments of sadness. Accept them as part of the duality of nature, because they are the very essence of things.
* Contribution of Maria Laura Zenaldi, Banfield, Argentina, February 2, 2002.

Pessimist and optimist

The behavior of his two sons had puzzled parents: the same situation one reacted with great pessimism, and the other with marked optimism. They consulted a psychologist, and this put the boys to a test. It enclosed the pessimist in a room with all kinds of toys and told you to do with them as I would like. It took the optimist to a roomful of horse manure. When he returned a few hours later, he found the first desolate front of toys, and asked him what was happening. He received this reply: "swing hit me the legs; the puzzle tiles damaged me hands; this riddle has me with migraine; and that game I takes too long."
Then he went to see the second guy, and found it totally dirty, covered in shit up to the head. When asked why he was so, the boy said: "I have a feeling that there is a pony underneath all this dung, and I'm looking for it".
* Pedro Medina, Manager of a McDonald's in Colombia and presenter of the video "I believe in Colombia". Version of JLG.

Accounts of life

A man went to a cemetery to greet a loved one who was there buried. Suddenly he lost on a trail and entered, without realizing it, to a pavilion where noted some tombstones with inscriptions out of the ordinary. One of them said: "Here lies Alphonse Duval, who lived months, four days and nine hours". This legend is found in another: "Jamie Bruckwell, who lived seven years, two months and twenty hours". A few steps further, another plate read: "in honor of Marthina Bhernalosky, who lived twelve years, seventy-two days and fifteen hours". The number of inscriptions of this kind did assume that it was in a cemetery for children. At that moment he saw coming to one of the managers of the place and asked him:
-Why score while these children lived? For which so many dead children? Is there a curse in this town?
The caretaker replied:
-In this town, we have the habit of delivering a book every young man who reaches adolescence. In one of your pages you must score the most famous moments of his life; on the other hand, the time that lasted that enjoy. Since then, the boy records the moments in which enjoys immensely, and the time that lasted that joy. Almost all describe the emotions that produced them their first kiss, the minutes that lasted and the passion they felt. Associates recorded a friendly voice, received advice and time lasting feelings to them. The day of marriage, the birth of the first child, the most desired trip, sudden encounter with someone dear, all are events that are recorded in that book, so represent in our lives. This is the real time spent, because we exist to be happy, enjoy nature, help and be at peace. The rest is life.
* Jorge Bucay. Stories for thinking. We received this text via Internet, under the title "The searcher".

What gives US the Japan

Japan is a country the size of Chihuahua and Aguascalientes, but has one hundred twenty million inhabitants, ten of the world's largest banks, educational levels and higher longevity and the crime rate low. Their national product is equal to that of France, England and Germany together. What is this productivity? It is a great story, a great tradition. I'm going to give some keys to make them great entrepreneurs in this nation.
Analyzing the differences between Japan and Mexico, I see three especially important: education, religion and the attitude towards life and nature.
Mexico gives much instructive education, of knowledge. Our parents worry about the multiplication of 5, 6 and 8, table but and formative education? What values are instilled in our schools? The values that we have to take into account include honesty, punctuality and cleanliness. These are part of the education needed for a successful businessman.
There are four steps to be an employer of excellence: the good be good do, the good as good.
First, the "well being", i.e. be honest, punctual and disciplined. For example: in this Conference are about six hundred people. If the speaker comes ten minutes later, the nation is losing six thousand minutes. Why you can not play with time, and less of the others.
Another fundamental principle is respect: if it is not yours, must be someone. If this pen you found on a desk it should be someone, then return it. If you find a watch or a ring and it is not yours, you must be from someone; If you find a wallet in the street and it is not yours, you must be from someone; and if you are a lady at a party, and it is not yours, you must be someone. If everyone respect these things, we would live better.
I am the manufacturer of toys Kay. In this company there are no keys on any side. I'm going to comment on how I got my people. I'd buy the newspaper boys selling in the afternoon. I gave them $100, and I had to return $99.20. Many did not return them to me, but those that did are those who currently have a future, current executives and directors.
When the Japanese go to any exhibition in the world, they return to the hotel and, without video or photography, cameras make the plans of those machines and improve them. I command my technicians to exhibitions in Hamburg and ask them: "What did?" I answered: "" a bear"." And what has the bear?" I ask the measures, the volume or the material, and they tell me exactly.
Second, the "well to do". Do things well. If you're going to swim, do it well; If you are going to study, do it well; and if you're going to make love today in the night, do it well, give yourself. The people who are a "well being" and give the family and your school more than it received, arrive in the third step, to the "well being". And those who follow these three steps, in this order, sooner or later will come to achieve a "good to have". I tell entrepreneurs: "How dare you penalize a worker who is delayed 10 minutes while you arrive two hours late and driving late-model?"
In every important act of life, plant a tree: when you marry, when you have a son, when you enter the primary, before any really important event, plant a tree. If your MOM and your dad planted a tree when you were born, to that tree - which now has around 20 years - you want it, because it means a lot to you. But if that tree as seeding the Government care about a cumin, and is the same. That is why it is important to do our own things, so let us love them.
The youth have to be entrepreneurial. We complain about pollution and erosion, but if everyone planted a tree at every important moment of his life, the country would be another.
In a television program Ricardo Rocha invited that me, I acted as translator and asked Ricardo to a group of Japanese businessmen:
-What is the difference between Japanese workers and the Mexican?
The Japanese cuchichearon, and then the head arose and said:
-We have visited many Mexican companies and believe that the Mexican worker is much more skilful; But today we were in the village and we realized why relations between the workers and the company are so poor. What we saw in the village is that the two towns (Japanese and Mexicans) are the same: like pilgrimages, the drums, amulets, jokes, etc. But you are going to temples to ask for and expect, and in Shinto, we are going to offer. Similarly, Mexican unions have list of requests, and Japanese unions present list of offerings.
Small but big difference! What do I mean with this? If this year we manufacture thousand cars Datsun, and offer to manufacture two thousand hundred next year, what you offer the company? If we have five percent of errors in production and offer to reduce them to three per cent, what you offer the company? And on the basis of those offerings, the Japanese companies have achieved zero per cent of error and total quality just-in-time, just in time. List of demands is not possible. Ask more holidays, more holidays, more Christmas, my birthday I paid him triple...
The Atayde circus elephant, why not escape? Why is it not free, as other elephants? Because what happens to many of us when we were small. This elephant had it tied the leg with a rope and he wanted to be free and pulled and pulled. The genuine hurt itself, Bled him and already then came out with a callus, not only in the leg but also in the head: to point to say "I can't", already can not! *
And so there are many young people who become adults and "can no longer" why? Because from chiquitos were listening to every day: you're a brute, you are the shame of the family, you are a spoiled, you always fail... This young, already adult, is like the elephant: at certain time goes to work, turns have to give - one more or one less-, moves the mouth, ends his own and someone takes it to the straw and brings him food. So are many employees who do nothing but the essentials.
What should you do? That the objective today is be happy and enjoy what they do. Be prepared so that their life's goal is not to give the five in the afternoon. How sad! Thus, there are parents, teachers, businessmen, who daily create failed. But there are also teachers, parents, entrepreneurs, and leaders who daily create winners. It is very different, believe me, work like this. We must change the mentality of the people.
We have a commitment to Mexico. Why not create their own businesses? But do not imagine your first company with two hectares of long. How to start all entrepreneurs? Because they had capital, they say. It is not true! I know many Lebanese, Israelis, Spaniards, who arrived in this nation with a hand forward and the other back, without friends, without knowing the language or customs, but with faith in themselves and in Mexico, and that worked and worked, and now are the entrepreneurs of this nation.
But what happens in the village? Behavior in the village of Chiconcuac, wherever you look: is the feast of the patron, and the entire week of rumba... What do Mexicans? Dancing, laziness, the drink, the guava. And the Spaniards? Their bakeries, open from four o'clock in the morning until ten in the evening. And the Israelis? They work and work. We do not, as it is the party of the people.
How much retired entrepreneur in these fifteen years we as a company have in Mexico? Not a single penny. This is how the Japanese companies grow. Until they met twenty years, not withdraws money or capital. The Japanese side nor the Mexican part. It is pure investment and reinvestment.
And I want to understand, future entrepreneurs, that when young people are here at the University thinking "what are we going to do?", is like falling in love. When they do the business plan, it is the design. Pregnancy, when they built the factory. And when opened it, the birth. After they have a baby. Within the first three years, they have to take care of it daily, for the sole purpose of make it grow. But in Mexico, eighty-four percent of new companies bankruptcy during the first three years, because parents want the baby to put them car latest model, which will give them carpet, air conditioning, mahogany furniture and a blonde Secretary in miniskirt.
Then comes the adolescence, and at the end they become adults. It is when the Japanese companies begin to distribute profits to members. So there are multibillion-dollar companies and poor entrepreneurs. The difference between the salary of the lowest-level worker and the President of the company is eight times. But in our nation, want to become rich in the second year with the company which are to be put. Go to twenty-year term, put all that to win, give all this child that is your business, and will see how it grows. You will see how adult. Yes, and what we live?, wonder. From a greeting? They can have salary, but not desangren it.
I want to end with a story my father told me. There was a forest where many animals lived. Suddenly a fire broke out and everyone ran out. All but a Sparrow that was the River, wet wings, flew over the forest in flames and let fall a drop of water, trying to put out the fire. He returned to the River, wet wings, flew over the forest and dropped some drops. An elephant passing yelled:
-Don't be stupid! Like all flee! Can't you see you're going to scorch?
The Sparrow turned around and said to him:
-This forest it has given me everything: my family, my happiness, and I have so much loyalty that I don't mind dying, but I'm going to try to save it. He went to the river again, wet wings and fluttered over the forest, dropping one or two drops of water.
The gods sympathized him and dropped a large storm that shut off the fire. Forest budded and all the animals returned and returned to be happy, more than before.
College students: I compare to this forest to Mexico. Perhaps we are in a great fire, in a major political, social, economic and moral crisis, but I would ask every day to drop one or two drops of sweat and labour. If they do so, the country will appreciate them, and God will bless them.
* P. Carlos Kasuga Osaka, director general of Yakult S.A. Summary of the Conference "The most important aspects of Japanese business culture", presented at the first National Convention of University entrepreneurs. Banco de Mexico, 2000. Contribution of Ricardo Cruz, Tampico, Mexico, and Fernando Buitrago, Colombia.

Brief list

There are three kinds of lies: lies, the infamous lies, and statistics.
Mark Twain

If you want that Dios laugh, tell him your plans.

How to make this reading

FIRST rule: Respectwhenever you use a part of the fault lies with the cow, and when it is the case, please give credit to the authors or compilers. This rule should be respected by all. We do the author or the source reference is the principle of respect for the creativity of the other which gives us moral authority to insist on this point.
SECOND rule: Share
Whenever you create that it can make pedagogy with some part of the fault lies with the cow, forward! How many times in a conversation, or at a social gathering, with his team, or in your family, can you help someone else through parables, stories or fables like that here they present, without having to engage in long discussions about a topic that is exhausted with the same narration? A good example that a bad sermon is sometimes better.
THIRD rule: Ask
After introducing you to a person or one group of any of the writings of this book, ask open questions. They may include:
  • What reflection or idea evokes you this anecdote?
  • Which application see you for our company, our Organization, our personal lives?
  • How can we apply what has been learned in this narration?
  • Does it look like this what we live on a daily basis?
Each person can take some minutes to think and making notes, then meets with five or six to share their reflections. Then, in a plenary, each group share with others their conclusions. This simple exercise has an enormous power to the individual and collective learning.
Subsequently this material can you, as a leader of the group, take advantage to focus the discussion and reinforce the ideas that most contributed to the objective of your meeting.
When it comes to a large group, it is very handy for each subgroup there is a different story, all leading to the theme of the meeting: leadership, communication, ethics, interpersonal relations, etc. In plenary, each group reads the narration which corresponded him and share his conclusions.
FOURTH rule: Tolerate
Do not aim to discover that others have the same conclusions as you: each will have their own. Not disqualify the different optics; on the contrary, take them as a way of enriching themselves. The principle of tolerance consists of listening to each other, without reproach their thoughts or behaviors.
Fifth rule: Reflect
The best way to take advantage of this book is to open the mind and spirit to the understanding, to debate, to the discrepancy. Do not aim to make tolerance with dogmatism. Sensitivities, see reality as others see it, try to guess the motives and the context of the others, which are totally different from their own.
Sixth rule: Write
If you have applied some of the fault lies with the cow and shares with us his experience, we could expand to other people not only the number of anecdotes and parables, but also the way how applied in the change of attitudes and values, or simply in the field of coexistence and tolerance.
Make a collective construction will be for us a sample that in our country, and possibly in the field of Spanish-speaking countries, we are seeking similar objectives in terms of social coexistence. Therefore, sit in complete freedom to write, make your contribution, or recommend other situations or spaces where these stories can be used.

Index of Anecdotes, parables,
fables and reflections

Index of Parables and stories to teach values