Ramayama and Mahabharata: the India epics


The Ramayana or Rāmāyaṇa (c. century III to. C.) is a text epic attributed to the writer Vālmīki. Form part of the sacred texts smṛti (texts not directly revealed by God, but transmitted by tradition).

Basic description

It is one of the most important works of ancient India. It belongs to the literary genre of the epic, and consists of 24,000 verses, divided into 7 volumes.

Known widely thanks to its numerous translations, the Ramayana has exerted significant influence in the literature Indian.

The existence of the Ramayana begins to be mentioned in the same time as the Majabharata, approximately in the 3rd century BC. The bengali writer Bhaktivinoda Thakur (1838-1914) stated that it was written in the 5th century a. C.1


The Sanskrit term Rāmāyaṇa, is a transliteration of the international alphabet of Sanskrit transliteration system) original term रामायण 'the journey of Rama' (in devanagari alphabet, the pronunciation in the international phonetic alphabet is [ɽaːmaː'jəɳə].2 the name alludes to Krishna, hindu God (Krishna literally means ' pleasure') and āyana 'gear'.)

Influence on Sanskrit poetry

The Ramayana had an important influence in Sanskrit poetry, mainly through the establishment of the metric śloka. However, like its cousin epic, the Mahābhārata, the Ramayana is not only an ordinary story. It contains the teachings of the India.

Being an of them more important works literary of India ancient has a deep impact on the art and the culture of the subcontinent Indian and of the southeast of Asia. The history of Rama also inspired many modern literary works in various languages, among which is can highlight the works of hindu poet Tulsidas (16th century), and the tamil poet Qambar (13th century).

The Ramayana is not only a religious tale. The hindu village began to colonize the Southeast Asia in the 8th century, and established several kingdoms, such as Mahapahit, Shailendra, Champa, Khmer and Sri Vijaya. Thanks to this, the Ramayana became popular in Southeast Asia and manifested itself in the literature and in the architecture of the temples, particularly in Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Burma, Viet Nam and the Philippines.

Overview of the «Valmiki Ramayana»

The battle the King between God Rama and the demon king of Lanka.

Dasharatha, King of Ayodhya, has three wives and four children. Branch is the largest, son of Kauśalya. Bharata is the son of Kaikeyi. The other two are twins, Lakshmana and Satrughna. Live the beautiful Sita Rama and Bharata are azules.3 in Mithila, a nearby town; When it comes time to marry Sita, arises a test to the suitors: the Princes must be capable of stringing a giant bow. No one could even lift the bow as a branch, that raised not only it but also broke it. This is how Sita Rama chose as husband, to looks of disappointment from the other applicants.

King Dásharatha decides to give the throne to his son Rama and retire to the forest to search for moksha (spiritual liberation). Everyone is happy with the decision, which is in accordance with the dharma. Dasharatha retiring, establishes that his eldest son will assume the post of ruler. All are in agreement, except the second wife of Dasharatha, that aims to make his son Bharata who rule it. So like, using an oath years ago made the old King, convinces you so it top to Bharata and destierre to branch to the forest for fourteen years.

The King is obliged to fulfill his word and branch, always obedient, exiled to the forest withdraws. SITA convinces Rama that his place is at his side. Also his brother, Lakshmana, accompanied him. Bharata feels very upset when he finds out what happens and goes also to the forest where resides branch to force him to return to the city. However, this is opposed, arguing that they must obey his father. Bharata says goodbye to his brother with a hug, and returns to Aydohya.

The years passed and Rama, Sita and Lakshmana are very happy in the forest. Rama and Lakshmana destroy the rakshasas (creatures of evil) when they interrupt your meditation. One day, a rakshasa Princess tries to seduce Rama. His brother, Lakshmana, wound it. She returns where his brother, Ravana, the ruler of Lanka and le speaks about the lovely Sita. Ravana hatches a plan to kidnap her. Knowing of her appreciation for the Golden deer, he decides to send you one as hunting prey for Rama and Lakshmana. To see it, both brothers leave to hunt it, previously drawing a protective circle around Sita, which will be safe as long as it remains inside. During the absence of Rama, Ravana is dropped by the place by adopting the form of a beggar seeking food. SITA leaves the circle to attempt it and Ravana kidnaps her. Breaks to branch the heart when it returns and it cannot find Sita.

An army of monkeys is to search for it. Ravana has led to Sita to his palace, but can not force her to become his wife. SITA even see it, because he thinks only branch. Januman, general of the Group of monkeys, which possesses the ability to fly, moves quickly to Lanka, where is Sita. Before Januman can leave, the men of Ravana capture him and set fire to his tail. With part of the burning coat, Januman flees by jumping over the roofs of the houses and sets Lanka on fire. You reach branch, who reports on the location of Sita. Rama, Lakshmana and the monkey army built a bridge from the tip of India to Lanka. Finally, Rama and Ravana face. After deleting some brothers of Ravana (including Kumbakarna), branch manages to kill Ravana by shooting the weapon brahmastra.

Branch release Sita and together they return to Aiodhia, where the village and Bharata proclaim branch as their new King. It accuses Sita have committed adultery during their captivity. She is submits voluntarily to the test of the fire for give testimony public of the integrity of its purity, but branch argues that its Queen not only must be pure, but must seem it, by what it sends to the exile (despite your innocence).

She takes refuge in the chapel of the writer Valmiki (supposed author of the poem), which gives birth to two twin sons of Rama, Lava and Kusha, who become disciples of Valmiki and grow without knowing who they are. Valmiki composed the Ramayana and teaches the twins sing it. Later, branch carried out a ceremony ashwa medha yagna (horse sacrifice), attending the Sage Valmiki with Lava and Kusha. Children sing the Ramayana in presence of branch and a numerous audience. When Lava and Kusha become part of the exile of Sita, Rama breaks her heart. At that time, Valmiki brings Sita to Rama. Again reject it (as a perfect Indian husband) and she is suicidal to all, swallowed by the Earth (his real mother, that had been found in a 'Groove' land).

Structure of the 'Ramayana'

The Ramayana of Valmiki, the oldest version of the Ramayana, is based on different versions of the Ramayana that prevail in different cultures. The text has survived in numerous manuscripts, partial or complete, being the oldest dated in the 11th century-era Christian.

The current text of the Ramayana of Valmiki has come down to us through two versions different, coming from the North and the South of India. It was traditionally divided into seven books, dealing with the life of Rama from birth until his death.

Bala Kanda ('chapter of childhood'):

It details his miraculous birth, his early life in Aiodhia, the death of the demons of the forest application of Vishuamitra and their weddings with Sita.

Ayodhya Kanda (Aiodhia' chapter'):

Dasharatha suffers by the promise made to Kaikeyi to the home of the exile of Rama.

Aranya Kanda ('chapter of the forest'):

It describes the life of Rama in the forest and the kidnapping of Sita by Ravana.
Kishkindya Kanda (Kishkinda, the Vanara Kingdom chapter): branch Sugriva ape befriends and the vanara (of anthropoids) Army starts the search for Sita.

Sundara Kanda ('beautiful chapter'):

Where the Januman travel to Lanka and just pinched Sita and brings the news to branch.

Yuddha Kanda (' chapter of the war '):

It tells the war between Rama and Ravana, and the return of the victorious branch to Aiodhia and his coronation.

Uttara Kanda (final chapter):

The life of Rama and Sita after his return to Aiodhia; Take Rama into exile to Sita; death of Sita and Rama.

There has been much speculation about whether the first and the last chapter of the Valmiki Ramayana were written by this author. Many experts believe that they are an integral part of the book, despite the differences in style and some contradictions in the content between them and the rest of the libro.5 these chapters contain most of the mythological references that are found in the Ramayana, as his miraculous birth and his divine nature, as well as the numerous legends about Ravana.



The summary of the work mahabharata is as follows: the story of the work is the rivalry between two rival dynasties descended from King Bharhata. The Kuravas children of Kuru, and the Pandavas, sons of Pandu, by the possession of the throne of Hastinapura.
The five brothers of descendants of Pandu: Yudishitira, wise and prudent; Arjuna, noble Warrior; Bhima, a Herculean strength and a violent and voracious character and the twins Nakula and Sahadeva, brave and loyal, killed his father, are brought together with a hundred cousins whose envy and persecution have to suffer.
In such a situation they find out the tournament organized by the King of Pancaba to choose the most worthy husband of his daughter Draupadi. They go decided the Pandavas and Arjuna is the only one that manages to tighten hard arc of King, winning the test.

Then the Kingdom is divided between the two strains (Eastern india turning in favor of the Pandavas). But the envy of the Kuravas envelops the five Pandavas in an intrigue, so you are forced to live twelve years in exile without being able to reveal his name.

Passed the thirtieth year, the brothers reach the Court of King Virata, whose daughter Subhadra, married Abhimanja, son of Arjuna. Then ask for the restitution of the rights which is denied by the Kuravas, which starts a war that lasts for eighteen years.

Gradually being killed partisans from both sides, until to the end only are four Kuravas, who are surprised by the Pandavas, killing everyone, about five brothers who were providentially outside in a night attack. At the end the Pandavas are winners and owners of Hastinapura.


Viasa Sanskrit epic; It contains more than 20,000 verses. It concerns the wars of the Kuravas and the Pandavas, and the feats of Krisma and Arjuna (century XV or XVI b.c.) on your pages you can find all the myths and legends of the India.
IMPORTANCE: written in Sanskrit, it is one of the most important and voluminous, works not only of Indian literature, but also of the universal.

Parties: it consists of more than 20000 Ziokas (verses) grouped in these books.
TOPICS: the poem recounts the struggle between two rival dynasties descendants of King Bharhata, the Kuravas children of Kuru, and the Pandavas, sons of Pandu, by the possession of the throne of Hastinapura.
Is an of them works more important and voluminous, not only of the literature Indian but also of the Universal.
Sacred and profane, collecting laws and customs discovered elements mingle along a historical narrative.

The sixth book called the Buyavad Gita is one of the most beautiful religious poems of humanity. In it is the classic expression of religious faith and the ethical conditions of Hinduism. This work is therefore an interesting paper that gives us insights into the origin and development of the India civilization, constitutes the summa or Bible India.

The Mahabharata is considered the longest epic poem in the history and is often translated as "The great history of the people of India".

Although it is risky to summarize the central theme of this text because of its length and complexity, it is based on the struggle between two branches of a noble family, the panduidas and the kuruidas, for the possession of a Kingdom in the North of India, the Kurukshetra.

With this common thread, narrated multitude of parallel stories, stories of war and struggle between good and evil, of confrontation by the Earth, love, betrayal and revenge, wise men, gods, and demons. Some stories of a beautiful fantasy and surprising, how only the Indian creativity can conceive. The Mahabharata was written around 300 BC, and was the subject of numerous variations around the year 300 A.d. in 18 books containing a total 200,000 verses with brief passages in prose interspersed.

As of the mythology of each people, of each history of the Mahabharata is shelled teachings for the life that is have transmitted of generation in generation, already is in celebrations popular through the representation of its episodes or through them devout. Even today, such is its strength and the desire to keep alive this epic that is still represented by all India and to have come to make television versions.

The Mahabharata

More than an epic poem the Mahabharata is a literary and mythological, tradition since it combine multiple versions of legendary as historical and religious origin. On the other hand, this monumental work combining prose and verse, while the latter predominates as a generic form of expression. With a total approximate of 215,000 verses, distributed in ten cantos, the Mahabharata is eight times more extensive that the Iliad and the Odyssey together.

Obviously, a work of such magnitude not was written by an only author and took several centuries for its composition, enriched to the step of the time with issues collateral. However, the hindu people blamed Viasa the merit of the work, in the same way that Homer is considered the author of the great Greek epics. In fact, Viasa is the value of a symbol and not its name corresponds to an individual, as it means recopitador.

The central argument of the Mahabharata refers to the war between two families of Pandavas and Koravas - for the succession to the throne. Also called shallow and Cauravyas, the members of these families are linked by a common ancestor: the King Bharata; Hence the title of the work is "the war of the bharatas". Apparently, events which recounts the great poem are b.c. 3103, date that matches the beginning of the "Kali Yuga" or dark age. In the final version there is no doubt that comes from the 4th century BC
